Another Trouble

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Vampire clan
Lab zhan's POV
"Oh my god, I am so frustrated" I yelled while kicking the wall.
This dragon clan is getting on my nerves. What do they think of themselves. They can do whatever they want in any clan.
I think now its time to teach them a lesson. Though they are not very strong but they are cunning. From the current information they are having  secret spies in each and every clan. They must be planning this for a long time.

I immediately dressed myself in white coat and pant and took my laptop and went towards the assembly hall. I entered the hall and sat on the middle chair. I arrived two minutes early .Right now there are the leaders of wolf clan and fox clan . The rest left are the tiger clan and pheonix clan . Few minutes later everyone arrived.
Then I started my speech.
"I am grateful that you all came to this meeting .
As you all know dragon clan has been silent for almost a year . This was really weird as they had been causing trouble since the wen rouhan had became the leader. He had always been playing dirty tricks to capture small clan and had tried to rebel many times. But recently they were quite. It is one of their tricks. From the secret investigations that my clan had carried in the last few months , I got to know that they had secretly spread their spies in all major clans. In vampire clan I had already cleared most of the spies but in all your clans their network is still working. In vampire clan itself we have caught 58 spies and they were well trained. So you all can imagine the army of spies in your clans. You all know that vampire clan is strongest among all but still there were capable to set up such a huge network . So the purpose of this meeting is to make you guys aware of this information and also for your cooperation in my mission to clear all dragon spies in all major clans. I want your permissions to allow vampire agents to  enter your clan and clear the spies and break this network. So I have completed my speech ,now whatever you guys want to recommend or say ,you are free to express yourselves.

Thus by saying this I ended my speech .
I was waiting for some suggestions and support but when I saw their faces I was confused. Their faces showed disgust and hatred. So I tried to recall whatever I said .I don't remember I said anything wrong, then what kind of reaction is this.
I was confused but what they did made my confused face  to turn into an angry face. My blood boiled by listening to their comments.

"Why do you think of yourself. Why should we allow your people to enter our clan."

"Yes,why should we do that. I think it is just an excuse for you to get a chance to conquer our empires."

Exactly,I also agree. I think it's not the dragon clan but it's your plan to rebel against us."

" You just got your throne because your parents died  and handed the throne to you at their last breathe. Otherwise how could an arrogant immature kid get such a huge empire. "

"I wonder even if you are the real kid of your parents. You are just an arrogant bastard. You got none of good qualities from you parents who were always kind to others. Who knows maybe his mother had relations with someone else who was just arrogant like you and that's what resulted to you unwanted kid ."
Laughter's roared in the hall.


My anger had reached to the point that I want to kill those old idiots at the moment. I slammed my hand on the table and it broke into pieces. How dare they insult my mother,how dare to they.
I needed to go out of this place or else my vampire will lose control and I will definitely kill them.
I closed my eyes and rushed out of the hall and said
"Get lost".
I rushed out in the palace garden and started to walk around but it was not helping at all. I needed to do something to calm down myself. So I went to the criminals chamber which was made underground.
I tortured the wen spies in the most cruelty and left the place after calming down a bit.

But then I smelled something. A smell that made me remind of my mother.  The smell was just like mogra flowers and mixture of roses. But how we don't have mogra flowers in garden .Mogra was my mothers favourite flower and she used to always carry one on her hair. But why I am smelling it now. I didn't even realise that I was moving in the direction of the smell. I felt I was pulled towards that smell. But what I heard made my killing intent to arise.
" king the trespasser we caught yesterday confessed that he is from wen clan. He refused to say further and wants to talk to you in private."
"Okay I got,I will look into the matter later . no need to bow anymore and thanks for the information"

Who is this person and how dare he imitate me. Does he want to die.
I rushed towards that person . The guards immediately pointed their swords towards the fake person .Probably they would have guessed by seeing the gestures of the person since whoever he is he can't copy me perfectly. But I gestured them not to do anything
And approached that person without making a sound.

I went near him and grabbed his shoulder and said
"Got you"

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