So Cute

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At vampire clan
Lan mansion
Author's POV
Wei ying was scared of what was going to happen next. The king was coming near him. Being scared he went more deeper in the vase and made himself a ball with his face hiding in his body.
But then nothing happened. 'Did the king went away. I clearly saw him coming towards me ' he said to himself. After waiting some more he thought of coming out of the vase,but then he heard a voice,"mate don't be scared. Come out please, I won't hurt you."
' why is he calling me mate. When did I became his mate.'wei ying thought.
After sometime he again heard that voice"please come out."
This time the voice was cracked as if the person speaking was on the verge of crying.
' I don't know why but I feel like he won't hurt me. If he wanted to hurt me he could have done that long ago. Why he sounds like he is crying. Does he need any help. I don't want him to cry.'

Wei ying slowly peeked out of the vase. He saw king's eyes were slightly teary. He wrapped his body around the flowers since he was scared.
The king again said," don't be scared. I will not hurt you from now."
Wei ying relaxed a bit but still he was scared. The king moved his hand towards wei ying.
Shocked and scared by this action wei ying  tightened his grip on flowers and hid his face in the petals.
This action made lan zhan sad. He could see that his mate was really afraid.

After sometime wei ying took out his face hiding in the petals and looked at the king. The king was still looking at him and his hand was still near him. Then wei ying realized that the king was asking him to come on his hand. Wei ying slowly moved towards him and wrapped his body around his fingers and palm.
Seeing this action of his mate, lan zhan felt extremely happy. A big smile appeared on his face.
Wei ying looked at the king and was amazed by what he saw.The cold faced king was smiling from ear to ear.
'This was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.'he thought to himself. Lan Zhan's smile was just like having rain in summer season in a desert. Ever since his parents died he never smiled. He was cold faced from birth but after his parents death the little smile ha had also vanished.
King slightly tapped wei ying's head with his other hand and started petting him.
Feeling comfortable on the king's hand wei ying slightly rubbed his head on the king's thumb. Seeing this Lan Zhan couldn't help but compliment, "so cute."
Listening this compliment ,wei ying felt very shy and embarrassed. He hid his head in his body .
Seeing this a giggle escaped from Lan Zhan's mouth.
Then slowly wei ying went towards Lan Zhan's shoulder. Then he started moving towards his neck and face. Lan zhan couldn't understand what his mate was trying to do. Wei ying moved across the kings face and went in his hair. All the time Lan Zhan didn't resist a bit. Though his mate was in snake form but still he was very much enjoying his touches.

Reaching his hairs wei ying started moving roughly here and there.'wow are these really hairs. These feel like silk fur ,its so soft I love it ',wei ying thought while rolling on the King's head.

All this time Lan zhan was smiling like an idiot. Then he heard his sister's voice,"little brother I brought your breakfast. "

Lan chyou entered the room with a tray of food. But then she stopped on her way. She couldn't see a sign of his little brother but instead she saw her gege.
" gege why are you here, where is my little brother?"
What was more shocking for her was that his gege was smiling brightly.
Wei ying who heard his sister's voice got really excited.
He was still a baby snake and his upper part was black in colour. The king's hair was also black which made it very difficult for a third person to spot him.
Forgetting that he was on someone else's head he converted into his human form to meet his sister. Lan zhan feeling a sudden weight on his head couldn't balance it and he fell on the bed with wei ying at the bottom and Lan Zhan on top of him.

Wei ying was shocked , confused and embarrassed because of the situation he was in. A slight blush appeared on his cheeks .
"I am sorry" he said in a low voice.
Lan zhan was continuously staring at him with an amused face.
'Is it really possible for a creature to be this cute.'he said to himself.
Lan zhan moved his hand towards wei ying's face and pinched his cheeks lightly and said, "mate you are so cute."

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