Help Me

727 62 3

Vampire clan
Lan mansion
Author's POV

Wei ying was confused about how should he react in this situation. When the latter complimented that he was cute he couldn't help but blush. He was very embarrassed at this situation. His  heartbeat was fast and he was sure that the latter one could hear it.

But then suddenly he felt a deep pain in his chest. He let out a piercing scream.
" Aahhhh..... "
Lan zhan," mate, what happened, are you ok?"He got up from him as he thought that he would have pressed his wounds.Then he carefully helped him to sit down making sure that he doesn't touches his shoulder.

Lan chyou also left the tray of food on the table and went to check her brother in law.
But wei ying harshly pushed lan  zhan and clenching his chest he fell down of the bed and his eyes became teary.
Lan zhan," mate what's happening to you? "
He then looked at his sister and said," sister you said his wounds are fine why he is acting like this."
His voice showed that he was in fear.
" I don't know, but his wounds are really fine. There must be some other reason." Lan chyou replied.

Wei ying was crying on the ground and lan zhan was supporting him to get on bed.
Wei ying grabbed lan zhan's hand and said," please help me,it hurts." His cheeks were completely wet due to crying.
Lan zhan hugged and tried to calm him down," don't worry, everything will be fine. Tell me where does it hurts."

"I don't know it just hurts".wei ying replied.
Then lan zhan realised what is happening to his mate.
He experience this kind of pain when his parents died. That time he felt extreme pain. It just hurted that time but he couldn't tell where he felt pain.
( just like a creature can feel his/her mates feelings after marking him/ her,like that kids can feel his/ her parents half of  pain. They will not get hurt physically by this pain but they will just feel it .Once the parents are out of danger the kid will no longer suffer.)

" sister bring painkillers "lan  zhan said hurriedly.
" okay"she ran to bring pain killers.
After few seconds she came and handed painkillers to his brother.
Lan  zhan fed wei ying painkillers . The only way to stop the pain was to save his parents.

" mate can you tell me where do you live?" Lan zhan asked.

Wei ying, "I live in forests but I don't know the exact location. "

Lan zhan ," Do you know anything else. I mean near which clan the forest is located or anything through which we can find your parents."

Wei ying," I don't know. I have never been outside my home. Why do you want to know about my parents king. I admit that I trespassed at your place but it has nothing to do with my parents. If you want to punish me you can do that but I will never allow you to hurt my parents."
Listening this lan zhan felt guilty,' mate , I really don't blame you for not trusting me but still your  these words are knives for me.'
Lan zhan thought internally.

Lan zhan," don't worry . I won't hurt your parents. I just want to take  you home. "
' I can't tell him that his parents are in danger. 'Lan zhan thought.

" brother don't worry. This king is my gege. He is a good person. I promise he won't hurt you or your parents." Lan chyou said.

Listening these words from his shijie wei ying relaxed. Though he met his shijie yesterday but he trusts her completely.

Wei ying," okay, I trust you but I really don't know where I live. And where I am right now."

Lan zhan was panicking inside. Just a moment before he was happy that he met his life partner and is soon to meet his mother and father. But the next moment he comes to know that his parents whom he has never met are in danger. He was very happy that he will call someone mother and father. Someone to
give him love and warmth that he missed from last two years.
But his all happiness turned into fear. The fear he felt two years ago. The fear that his mate will  lose his parents just like him.

It's true that lan zhan was mature and talented. But still he was just a 20 years kid. His mate was even younger than him. He doesn't wanted his mate to suffer what he suffered last two years. They need parental love. Someone to express their sorrow. To cry when they are hurt. To share their happiness and sorrow.
No he can't lose them again like he lost two years ago.

' I will protect them at any cost. No matter what I have to do for this. I can't lose them.'lan  zhan thought.

" Then tell what happened last night and how you came here?lan zhan asked.

" My mother told me that she will take me outside when I will turn sixteen .But when I turned sixteen mother said she can't take me out because there are some hunters roaming these days. ( lan zhan gritted his teeth in anger. The fact that  his mate has to be locked in his house from childhood just because he is a serpent made him angry. He swore to help the serpents to establish a clan of their own and to  provide them protection.). But I got curious and yesterday night I escaped from my house at midnight. I wanted to roam around for nearly two hours but I flew far away and I met some alphas".
" Alphas?" Lan  zhan said in deep trembling voice because of anger. His anger was at his peek.His eyes was bloodshot and his eyeballs turning slightly green.
Seeing those eyes wei ying got scared.Lan chyou noticed this and said," Gege control your anger. You are scaring brother in law."
Lan zhan tried  control his anger and closed his eyes for few seconds.
Then he asked," what happened then."
Wei ying," they tried to touch me improperly so I ran from them  entered this place and I saw you king. Just wanted to explore this place because this looked beautiful. So I took your look because no one stopped you here so I thought that no one stop me also. I wanted to leave after sometime but I was caught by you.I tried to explain you but you never listened to me.
Wei ying's eyes became teary remembering how the king never listened to him and hurted him. He was so scared that time.

Seeing this lan zhan was feeling very guilty.
Lan zhan," I am sorry. I believe you. Don't cry. He said while hugging wei ying.

" You don't need to be sorry. I was at fault." Wei ying replied.
" You are hurt. You need energy. So eat your breakfast , we will soon find your parents." Lan zhan said while making him sit comfortably and bringing the food tray on the bed.

Wei ying was very hungry at the moment. As soon as he saw food placed in front of him he started eating hurriedly.

" don't eat so fast. You will choke". Lan zhan said while his eyes locked at his mate's face.

" okay" wei ying replied.A slight blush appeared on his face.

' wow, so cute he is just like a baby.' Lan zhan thought

After eating his breakfast wei ying felt very sleepy. Immediately after after washing his hands in  sink located near the bathroom attached to the room he drifted into deep sleep and was about to fell on the floor when lan zhan caught him. He carried him carefully to the bed and rested his head on the pillow.
Then he turned to his sister and said in his normal cold voice," time to work."
Lan chyou felt very wronged at that moment.His gege used such a soft voice for his mate but never even said sweet words for her.
But she ignored the thought and tried to concentrate on work," is it about the death of those alphas?"

" There are more people including them. Come to my office fast." While saying this lan zhan left the room and lan chyou followed.
Before following she went to her brother and kissed him lightly on his forehead saying, 'get well soon' and then she left making sure that her gege didn't see this. She know that her gege is a very jealous person over his loved ones. So she needs to take precautions.

" my hands are eager to taste blood of those who hurt my parents. I promise to give you people the most terrible death " -lan zhan.

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