The meeting

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Fox clan
Jiang's mansion
Author's POV

While two siblings were making their evil plan they heard there dad's car sound. They wondered how come dad came so early. He should come tomorrow.

They have almost completed their breakfast so they rushed to the kitchen and dropped the dishes in the sink and went outside to greet their dad.

" Dad welcome home." Yanli said while giving a sweet smile.

" Welcome home dad."Jiang Cheng also greeted.

Jiang Fengmian approached to his children and gave them a hug.

"Dad how come you returned so early. You told you will come tomorrow."yanli asked.

" Will you both let your dad come in or start your interrogation at the door."  a voice  came from behind.
" oops... Sorry mom dad let's go in."Jiang Cheng said.

The four went inside and sat on the sofa.
Yanli went to the kitchen to get some snacks and water for her father.

Jiang Fengmian drank water and relaxed a bit. The rest three were looking at him. He felt a bit weird.

" Why are you all looking at me like this. Is there something on my face."he said.

" We are curious about what happened at the  meeting." Yu ziyuan said.

"Yes dad let us about it." Yanli said while resting her chin on her palm.

" It was no good. Nothing happened in the meeting."he said in a bit angry voice.
It didn't go unnoticed by her wife.
"Fengmian the way you are saying means something unpleasant have happened. Tell us about it in details." She said.

"Alright, since you all are so curious I will tell you"

At vampire clan
Everyone arrived at the meeting along with their personal assistant.
Lan Zhan entered the meeting hall on time.
He sat on the middle chair and opened his laptop opening the presentation for the meeting. Then he connects the laptop to projector .
Before starting the presentation he tells the purpose of meeting in his speech.

"I am grateful that you all came to this meeting .
As you all know dragon clan has been silent for almost a year . This was really weird as they had been causing trouble since the wen rouhan had became the leader. He had always been playing dirty tricks to capture small clan and had tried to rebel many times. But recently they were quite. It is one of their tricks. From the secret investigations that my clan had carried in the last few months , I got to know that they had secretly spread their spies in all major clans. In vampire clan I had already cleared most of the spies but in all your clans their network is still working. In vampire clan itself we have caught 58 spies and they were well trained. So you all can imagine the army of spies in your clans. You all know that vampire clan is strongest among all but still there were capable to set up such a huge network . So the purpose of this meeting is to make you guys aware of this information and also for your cooperation in my mission to clear all dragon spies in all major clans. I want your permissions to allow vampire agents to  enter your clan and clear the spies and break this network. So I have completed my speech ,now whatever you guys want to recommend or say ,you are free to express yourselves."

After he finishes his speech the PA of phoenix clan speaks
" Why do you think of yourself. Why should we allow your people to enter our clan."

"Yes,why should we do that. I think it is just an excuse for you to get a chance to conquer our empires." PA of tiger clan said.

Exactly,I also agree. I think it's not the dragon clan but it's your plan to rebel against us."

" You just got your throne because your parents died  and handed the throne to you at their last breathe. Otherwise how could an arrogant immature kid get such a huge empire. "  leader of phoenix clan said.

"I wonder even if you are the real kid of your parents. You are just an arrogant bastard. You got none of good qualities from you parents who were always kind to others. Who knows maybe his mother had relations with someone else who was just arrogant like you and that's what resulted to you unwanted kid ." leader of tiger clan said.
Laughter's roared in the hall.
All the time leaders of fox clan and wolf clan were silent.

Everyone became silent. Lan Zhan  grabbed his laptop and rushed out the hall. His eyes were turning green from time to time.

Before leaving he said in his deep voice"get lost".

" That arrogant kid! He don't even know how to respect his elders." Jin guangshan said in an angry voice.

" I agree with you , he doesn't have any manners. What a waste of time. I wish I hadn't came here." Clan leader Ouyang said.

" Why are you both criticising him without a reason. He clearly didn't say or did anything rude. You both have too far insulting his dead parents. " Jiang Fengmian said in an angry tone.

" I agree with Fengmian. He just wanted to offer help by sending  his armies in our clans and if you two didn't wanted it you could have politely refused. Why did you made a fuss of it. It's clear who doesn't have manners here." Nie mingjue said.

" Clan leader Nie are you trying to insult us." Jin guangshan said.

" I am not insulting you clan leader jin, I am stating the facts." Nie mingjue responded.

Seeing the heated environment Jiang Fengmian siad," Fighting will not solve anything. Let's return to our clans. We should talk to him later and apologize. He is still a kid but have a huge responsibly on his shoulder. He is doing quite well. As being his elders and his parents friends we must support him. He is just like a son to me. Whether you support him or not , Jiang clan will always be with him."

"Son, really are you joking clan leader Jiang? If I have a son like him I will never be able to show my face to anyone. He is such a curse." Clan leader Ouyang.

At this moment Jiang Fengmian also lost his patience.
" I really feel disgusted talking to people like you. Nie minjue ,let's go." By saying this Jiang Fengmian left the meeting hall and nie mingjue followed him.

" Nie Mingjue let's arrange a meeting with Lan Zhan later. He must have some important information against dragon clan. Also we owe an apology" Fengmian said to mingjue when they arrived near their cars.

" Alright. We will contact him later. " mingjue replied.
"Okay , so let's t take leave. Bye." Fengmian said and got inside his car.

Flashback ends

" Those fools,how can they do this." Yu ziyuan said while tightening her grip on sofa cushion.
" They have gone too far to insult his mother. I have to admire him for his patience. If I would have been at his place I would have definitely have shot them on spot with my mini- wrist gun."
( mini- wrist gun: an invention made by Jiang Cheng. It looks like a watch. No one can doubt by looking at it that it is not a normal watch . It can contain two mini bullets at a time. Also there is poison in the bullet. When the bullet is in  an environment of body temperature then it starts melting and poison in the bullet spreads in the body.)

"What is it acheng you never showed me." Fengmian said to his son.

"Father , I have made it recently. But I don't want to show you now. It's my secret weapon .No one knows about it. Not even shijie." Jiang Cheng said.

"Okay_ but I am quite curious. Tell me when you want to."  Fengmian said.

"Acheng how could you hide it from me." Yanli said in clinging to his brother's arm.

"Don't act innocent here jie. I know you have made new weapons recently. I have seen some incomplete designs few weeks ago in your room. I am sure you must have succeeded."  Cheng said while rolling her eyes.
" You.. How many times I have told you not to touch anything in my room. Why did you went to my room." Yanli said in an angry tone.

" jie do you think I am a kid who will listen all instructions. I was curious as you were spending most of time in your room from a few days so I just have taken  a look." Jiang Cheng said while smirking .

Yanli grabbed a cushion and threw it on Cheng but he knew that his sister will do something like this so he immediately stood up and started running with yanli following her.
Both were shouting and yelling at each other like sworn enemies.
This started a fight between their parents as each one of them were in support of one of their children.

This was a daily view of Jiang mansion.

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