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Lucy's look for this chapter ≈

Lucy's look for this chapter ≈

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You know how much I love a dramatic entry.

Today, the Mystic Falls High School was the destination for something supernatural

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Today, the Mystic Falls High School was the destination for something supernatural. In one classroom, laid the first successful sired hybrid turned by ruthless Original Hybrid, while in the gym, a vampire who loved the doppelganger with his life, was forced to turn off his humanity.

"What did you do to him?" asked the doppelganger fearfully, glancing at the vampire as the humanity drained off his eyes.

"I fixed him." responded the hybrid, "But I think a test is in order, don't you?"

"Rippah, perhaps you would like a drink from the doppelganger's neck." he smirked, his hands on the doppelganger's shoulder.

The vampire's veins appeared and his fangs grew out as he sped to her, biting into her neck as suddenly, the gym door was thrown open.

"Hello...." came the voice of a young woman as she trailed off, soaking in the scene of the gym.

"I think I came to the wrong place. I must go." she said awkwardly, taking some steps backward slowly but was stopped in her tracks by the hybrid.

"Of course not, love." he smirked. "Rippah, it seems that you'd also like a drink from our pretty little uninvited guest here."

The vampire's eyes snapped to the lady, the doppelganger's blood dripping down his chin, as her eyes widened at his sight.

He vamp sped to her, about to bite into her neck, when he let out a painful cry as in a sudden sweep of the wind he stood in front of her, his hand twisted in a painful angle and his neck hurting because of the tight headlock she held him in.

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now