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But he did what he wanted to anyhow.

Nik Mikaelson was under the triple-S card : surprised, shocked and stunned

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Nik Mikaelson was under the triple-S card : surprised, shocked and stunned. It took him a good two minutes to wrap his mind around this newest revelation, his mind surveying past everything, to figure out if anything that Lucy said or did in their time together gave away the fact that she had a daughter.

"Hey, Nik?"

A soft voice snapped him out of his mushy thinking as he averted his eyes to a nervous looking Lucy.

"Yeah?" he called out, slightly dazed.

"Are you okay?"

Her voice held fear.

What did she fear? That he will break up with her just because she has a daughter?

"Yes. I'm okay. Just a little shocked." he nodded his head slowly. "I'm surprised you didn't tell me earlier."

"I- I just needed some time to reveal this properly." she said, her voice wavering as she felt her heart clench ever so slightly.

"But, um," she said hurriedly and turned to Brie, who was looking at Nik with an inspecting gaze, "Brie?"

"Yeah, mom?" she chirped back, snapping her neck towards her.

"Um, this is Niklaus Mikaelson." Lucy managed a warm smile. "And, Nik, this is Brie Wright."

"Nice meeting you, sir." Brie said kindly, extending her petite hand in front of him to shake.

He looked at it, hesitating ever so slightly, before a warm smile encased his lips and he shook her hand, crouching down to her level.

"Nice meeting you too. Your mother talks a lot about you."


The little girl's face lit up as she sequeled in happiness, "Really?"

"Yeah, sweetie, of course." Lucy passed her a hesitant smile.

"How old are you, dear?" Nik asked as Lucy bit her lip in anticipation.

"I'm ten years old." she replied politely.

"You live with your mom?"

"Yeah." Brie nodded happily. "Mom and Charlie."

Niklaus looked visibly devastated.

"Charlie who?"

"You should meet him too." Brie sequeled. "Let me bring him."

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now