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Lucy's look for this chapter ≈

Lucy's look for this chapter ≈

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So, shall we start packing?

"So you're telling me that yesterday it was not you who I was talking to, it was Klaus who was possessing you?" asked Lucy as more people started filling into the church, gathering for the funeral of Pastor Young

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"So you're telling me that yesterday it was not you who I was talking to, it was Klaus who was possessing you?" asked Lucy as more people started filling into the church, gathering for the funeral of Pastor Young.

"Yeah, you can say that he was 'possessing' me." answered Tyler, shrugging a bit.

"Explains why you left abruptly after rescuing Caroline."

"Well, yeah." nodded Caroline, who was sitting next to Tyler, the hybrid sitting between the two of them at the ninth last row on the right side of the church.

"Good thing he left." continued Caroline. "I wouldn't wanna sleep with my boyfriend when someone else is possessing him. Can't believe I'm saying this but such gentlemen move."

"Of course." snorted Tyler. "Possessing someone else without their permission is such a gentleman's move."

"What are you doing here Tyler?" came Stefan's voice, cutting in their conversation as they averted their eyes to look at him.

"Being sensitive to the community's loss."

"With a hunter out there to get you?"

"I'm not letting a hunter stop me from where I'm supposed to be." said Tyler.

"Also, if he shows his face, I'm gonna kick his ass." added Caroline.

"Better to be safe than sorry." said Lucy, shrugging. "He recognises you, so better not try giving your mother heart attacks."

"Really, Tyler, we can only say, it's upon you to decide what to do." said Stefan, still standing there.

"I'm not a child. I can take care of myself." said Tyler.

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