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You're so cute.

As soon as they landed they were handed separate tasks

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As soon as they landed they were handed separate tasks.

Bonnie had to get the information from Shane (who seems to know a lot about this, as per Bonnie) and Damon was to accompany her.

Jamie had offered to help as well and had also gone with Bonnie.

And Stefan had asked Lucy to talk to him at the Grill.

"Why?" she whined. "If my help is not required then I'll sleep, not have drinks with you at the Grill!"

"You can sleep later on. But we need to talk. It's a matter of a few minutes." he tried to reason.

"So talk. Can't we talk here only?"

"We're literally just a block away from there."

"I'm exhausted, Stefano." she pouted at him. "I need sleepppp."

"I know, Lucy, I know. But do it for me this once, please. Just a talk at Grill and I'll even drop you while you can sleep in car."

"Ugh." she groaned, giving in to his puppy eyes. "Fine. But I want coffee. Lots and lots of coffee."


"And I'm feeling cold. Give me your jacket."

"Fine." he assented, removing his jacket and handing it over to her.

"I mean why do you even wear it? It's not like you feel cold. In fact it might be suffocating you." she said when she was done wearing his oversized leather jacket.

"No, it doesn't suffocate me. I feel neither cold nor hot. And, I wear it 'cause it's style."

He then walked her to the Grill, deflecting the puppy eyes she kept sending his way and settled down on the table situated as inside as possible.

"Now tell me what is it that you wanna talk about?" Lucy sighed, slumping down in her chair opposite to Stefan's after shrugging off the jacket.

"What is going on?"

"What do you mean 'what is going on'?" she rose a brow at him. "I mean the hunter shit is going on, right?"

"You know what I mean." Stefan said, crossing his arms. "What is going on between you and Klaus?"

"Nothing." she chuckled, waving her hand reassuringly. "What would be going on between me and him?"

"Then why did you call him Nik?"

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