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Lucy's look for this chapter ≈

Lucy's look for this chapter ≈

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It's alright. I've gotten used to it by now, no offence, but it's just how it happens every time.

Lucy wasn't the most ecstatic the following day, her mind still plagued with the worries of her argument with Stefan; but her mood had gotten deliberately better when Casper came to talk to her and all the problems were resolved, or more like most...

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Lucy wasn't the most ecstatic the following day, her mind still plagued with the worries of her argument with Stefan; but her mood had gotten deliberately better when Casper came to talk to her and all the problems were resolved, or more like most of them, considering how she still had to talk to Stefan.

"Look, I know things have been a bit bad," said Casper, "I-I haven't been thinking too rationally, I kind of messed things up in the past few days and then completely disappeared. I know I shouldn't have said those things and behaved that way just out of the blue on that day, and then I didn't even try to contact you. And after that I came again, but just because Uncle Richard asked me to get him in contact with you -I know he should have called you directly, but he didn't, I have no idea why he is still holding on over to the past grudges- and then I didn't even try to talk to you normally, just said a few things and then disappeared; but............ hey, I.......... brought some... presents."

He finished awkwardly, motioning towards the shopping bags in his hand, along with the numerous others that laid next to him, visible through the open door of the backseat of his car.

Lucy was looking over at him and the bags surrounding him silently, with an unreadable expression on her face.

For a moment or so Casper thought that Lucy would slap him but he faltered when she cracked a small smile.

"It's alright. I've gotten used to it by now, no offence, but it's just how it happens every time. But, hey, you brought some presents." she said imitating the way he had said 'hey, I.......... brought some... presents'.

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now