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❝ Get up, come on.

Lucy found the wolf pair downstairs, her feet pausing onto the last step as she heard soft sniffling sounds coming from Hayley while a comforting Vaishali hugged her from the behind

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Lucy found the wolf pair downstairs, her feet pausing onto the last step as she heard soft sniffling sounds coming from Hayley while a comforting Vaishali hugged her from the behind.

"Are you okay, Hayley?" Lucy's brows furrowed as she rushed to the wolf's side. "What happened?"

"Oh, no, it's nothing." Hayley let out an unconvincing laugh, wiping on her cheek hastily as Vaishali pulled away from her.

"It clearly is something." Lucy gave her a look. "Well, did something happen with that wolf stalker?"

"No." Hayley made a confused face at her. "No."

"Okay." she nodded, casting a glance to Vaishali, "So is it something with Elijah? I saw you rushing out after him."

"Um, no. . ." Hayley murmured hesitantly, avoiding eye contact.

"It's okay, Hayley. She won't judge." Vaishali sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she turned to Lucy. "She went through Elijah's journals to tell Sophie Celeste's bones' location in return of freeing the wolf pack from its curse."

"Celeste. . .?" Lucy trailed off, looking at them with questioning eyes. "The one whose portrait Davina drew, claiming her to be some evil?"

"Yes, exactly that." Vaishali pursed her lips as Hayley gave an almost unnoticeable nod of her head.

"And what's the curse on the pack?"

"They're stuck in their wolf forms except for the full moons." Hayley explained as Vaishali grumbled out an 'uno reverse'. "Marcel made a witch curse them. Sophie said that she'll help me reverse it."

"And did she?"

"That's yet to be found out." Hayley sighed, defeat creeping up her features, before adding. "Elijah's clearly angry with me for what I did."

"Apologise to him. Speak your side clearly." Lucy suggested. "From all that I've heard of Elijah from Nik, he's good with apologies."

Hayley nodded at her, passing a thankful look but Lucy's lips morphed into a frown on seeing the look Vaishali was giving her.


"You called him Nik." Vaishali stated. "You haven't called him that ever since the. . . Carol thing."

"Okay. Klaus. Happy?" Lucy gave her an unimpressed look.

Vaishali pursed her lips, looking down. "Look, if you wish to talk about anything, I'm here for you. Please don't hesitate."

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now