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I hope at least one of them comes and you fully regain your magic too.

Things were different

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Things were different.

Even though Klaus hadn't driven the white oak stake through his sister's heart, he hadn't also welcomed her back with open arms and confetti. Rebekah, instead, was told to get out of the city and in that light live a life free and out of the restraints of the leash her brother had put on her, just like she'd always wanted.

The red-haired witch from Niklaus' memories, Genevieve, was a frequent visitor to the compound, having taken the reins of the French Quarter's Witches after the death of Sabine, i.e., Celesté, the last living Elder. She was a constant factor responsible for the spike in Lucy's blood pressure with her eyes trailing up and down Niklaus' physique shamelessly even in the presence of his girlfriend.

Lucy would have preferred to gouge her eyes out and feed them to Charlie, but she restrained herself in order to make it up to Elijah who was still somewhat off with her due to her incompetence of following his one demand, feed Nik vervained blood. Besides, he wanted peace to be ensured between the supernatural communities. It has been a month since Rebekah left, and Niklaus was sulking and their control on the quarter was crumbling.

"I think you should talk to Elijah." Lucy hummed, looking up at Niklaus from the bed she was lying on, the sheets crumpled and messy, she messy, as he drew her.

"And what shall I talk to him about?" he hummed, not steering his eyes off the canvas, the paint brush stroking the pristine white surface as he drew the outline of her baby bump.

"About managing the city." she said, mouth turning into an annoyed scowl when he simply hummed at her words.

"Come here, Nik." she said, propping herself up on the elbows.

"Niklaus." she repeated, her voice firmer this time as he finally glanced up from the canvas, letting out a defeated sigh.

"Yes, love." he said, climbing on top of her naked body, covered with nothing but flimsy white sheets, entrapping her between his knees and dipping down to catch her lips on his own, swallowing down whatever she was going to say.

"You-" she began, breathless when he pulled away only to cut herself off with a yelp as he pinched the side of her hip lightly, beginning to slide his fingers up and down her side teasingly.

"I?" he asked, feigning an innocent look as he peered down at her scowling face.

"Don't distract me, and yourself too, from the topic at hand." she huffed, narrowing her eyes up at him.

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