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I will do whatever the hell I want.

You can run away from the truth, but not forever

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You can run away from the truth, but not forever.

Heaviness settled deep inside Lucy's mind as she stared at the ceiling of the room she was laid into, vaguely able to hear the people crowded outside her door.

"She's stable now. Both her and the baby are alright." an unrecognisable voice spoke up as Lucy's eyes flitted to the closed door. "It was a response to shock or trauma. May I ask, did something happen?"

"Nothing that I'm aware of." Niklaus' voice spoke up quietly.

"Let her rest." the same voice from earlier commented. "She'll be awake shortly. Don't ask her questions about what happened."

"Thank you, doctor." Elijah spoke up. "Allow me to see you out."

Lucy heard some receding footsteps before the doorknob was twisted and her body stiffened under the silk duvet as she closed her eyes shut.

"Let her rest." Lucy heard Rebekah say from outside the room and the room's door was closed shut again.

She slowly opened her eyes to find herself alone in the room, faintly hearing the worried pacing outside.

Her eyes flitted across the room before falling onto the floor length mirror standing by the opposite wall.

She slipped out of the sheets, bare feet touching the cold floor as she traversed her way to the mirror, gazing at herself in it.

Her palm cautiously grazed her clearly visible pregnancy belly, hovering over it before she pulled it away, curling a fist by her side.

The door inched open suddenly as a head poked in, stance calming on finding her awake.

"Lucy, you're awake." Niklaus smiled at her hesitantly, stepping into the room.

"As you can see." she retorted, her eyes searching the room for her footwear as a frown overcame his features.

"I see you're still quite upset with me." he began slowly.

"On the contrary, I'm quite beyond that." Lucy said, surprising the Original Hybrid. "I'm leaving this city. I'm done with everything. And most importantly, I don't want this child."

"What—?" he looked at her in shock, not quite believing his ears.

"I don't want this child." she repeated more firmly, looking him in the eye.

"Ar—Are you even hearing yourself, Lucy?" he said slowly, mind still processing her words. "What kind of stupid joke is this?"

"This is no joke, Mr. Mikaelson. I assure you." she offered him a sarcastic smile. "I do not want this child, then I do not want this child. Simple."

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now