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It reminded me of you when I was away.

Rebekah returned almost an hour later by which Lucy had dozed off on the living room sofa, and therefore, was unceremoniously woken up by incessant knocking on the front door

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Rebekah returned almost an hour later by which Lucy had dozed off on the living room sofa, and therefore, was unceremoniously woken up by incessant knocking on the front door.

"Ugh..." she groaned, rubbing her eyes as she shouted out, "Coming!"

Opening the door revealed a slyly smiling Niklaus with his hands behind his back. "Hello, love."

"Oh, look who it is." Lucy said sarcastically, proceeding to shut the door to his face.

"Oh, come on, love," he wedged a foot, blocking the door from closing, "I brought presents."

"What presents?" she narrowed her eyes, keeping the door only slightly ajar.

"Rebekah!" he called out without turning.

The woman in question appeared in Lucy's line of sight, the leash from her hand falling as Charlie brustled towards Lucy.

"Oh, Charls!" Lucy cooed, kneeling down as he leaped into her arms, snuggling.

"The people I sent yesterday told me that the Hotel Management wasn't letting him go unless you appeared, so I went today and compelled them. I also got all your stuff." Niklaus explained, bringing his hands to the front, two bags dangling from them. "And as for your car, love, we'll have it settled when we go meet Marcel tomorrow."

"That's brilliant." Lucy nodded, a bit apprehensive for the meeting though.

"And, more presents to come, love." he said mysteriously, looking behind him.

"More?" Lucy laughed, picking Charlie up in her arms.

"Where are they, Rebekah?"

"I don't know, they were right behind us." Rebekah shrugged.

"Yes, they must be on their way," he mumbled, looking down at his phone, before turning to look at her, gaze morphing into a worried one, "He's not heavy, right?"

"No, he's fine." she laughed, ruffling Charlie's head, " But who are 'they'?"

"You'll know, love," he shrugged, "any moment now."

"Wait, here they come." he said just as a car pulled up in the driveway.

"Alright, who is it?" Lucy asked excitedly with a large grin, stepping out into the cold as the car finally stopped.

"Hey, witch ass." a head popped out, yelling with a grin, "Look who's here."

"V?" Lucy's eyes widened in surprise, squealing as the wolf stepped out, followed by another one, prompting her to add, "Hayley?"

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