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Even today, you didn't come to see me. Even Babam did, yet, you didn't.

Lucy felt like she was drowning

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Lucy felt like she was drowning. Her mind slipping in and out of consciousness. Her vision hazy as disoriented voices reached her ears.

“We should take her to the City of the Dead.” a female voice floated into her ears, feeling distant.

“We won't make it! The baby is coming now!” another voice exclaimed. “We need to bring her back to consciousness, or else neither of them will make it.”

“The plan was to induce her when the sacrifice was ready!” the previous voice hissed in annoyance.

“We had to subdue her, and the trauma caused a placental abruption, so the baby is coming and we'll have to adapt.” the second voice sighed, annoyed, and Lucy slowly recognised it to be Genevieve’s.

“No. . .” Lucy croaked out, her throat dry, as her unfocused eyes tried to make sense of her surroundings. “No. . .”

“She's awake.” Genevieve sighed in relief as she rushed towards her. “The baby’s coming, Lucy. I need you to focus. Can you hear me?”

“It's too soon.” Lucy cried out, her mind a jumble of thoughts. “What did you do to me?!!”

“I'm sorry, I don't want to do this.” Genevieve said guiltily. “But if we don't do the delivery now, it's possible that neither of you will make it.”

“Why. . .? Why are you doing this?” Lucy cried. “Please, don't. Please.”

“I’m sorry.”

Lucy’s face twisted in anger now. “I'll kill you! I'll kill every single one of you!”

“You can't.” Monique sighed, looking smug. “We have already given you the herbs. Your magic is stifled for a few hours.”

“No!” Lucy yelled, thrashing around, trying to break free of the iron grip on her arms. “Why are you doing this!?! Let go of me!”

“To be reborn, you must sacrifice.” Monique spoke up.

“The Ancestors demand an offering in exchange for power.” Genevieve elaborated.

“No, no, no, no, no!” Lucy looked at them with wide eyes, full of fear for her baby. “Don't do anything like that! You want power, I'll help you get that! I'll do rituals, ceremonies. I can get you immense power, far greater than those ancestors will grant you!”

“We won't indulge in black magic.” Monique piqued up.

“No, it's not black magic!” Lucy hurried to reason with them. “Trust me! It's not! I'll give you whatever you want. Just let me go.”

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now