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Holding hands, huh?

They reached quite some time before the Pageant was to begin which gave them the time to talk around a bit

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They reached quite some time before the Pageant was to begin which gave them the time to talk around a bit.

Tyler was the first one Lucy stumbled into just as she entered the manor, and Bonnie went off to meet Jamie at the entrance who had just reached the destination.

"Hi.." he trailed off, looking at Lucy, dumbstruck for a moment. "Y-You look gorgeous. And very different."

"Thank you." she grinned. "You look wonderful too. But, like, I know my new hairstyle and new style of makeup is making me look less evil."

"You don't look evil in any look of yours." Tyler chuckled good-naturedly.

"But I might have still given a little baddie vibes earlier." she laughed slightly. "This look is making me feel goodish, like I am giving off a sweet girl vibes."

"Well, you do look like an angel right now, so yeah."

"I think I might prefer goddess more."

Tyler laughed softly, urging her outside and they stepped out into the perfect set-up for the occasion.

"So, where are my two favourite wolves today?" asked Lucy. "Haven't seen them around too much as of lately."

"They weren't too excited for this. I mean V wasn't, but Hayley convinced her. They must be around here somewhere or maybe getting ready in one of the rooms."

"Well, talk of the devils." Lucy joked as she spotted them not so far away talking to Carol.

"I might have a plan." Tyler whispered mysteriously.

"I'm in." she smirked at him.

They approached them, careful to stay out of their sight, and jumped suddenly, screaming, "Whooo!"

"OH MY GOD!!" Hayley screamed, her hand going to her heart as they both started laughing loudly, hi-fiving each other.

Vaishali was throwing deadly glares at them, her hand at her chest, trying to calm down her frantically beating heart.

"Oh my god...." Carol said with exasperated sigh as everyone turned their eyes to her and Lucy and Tyler took in the mess they had created.

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now