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Sorry, but I never said 'that'.

"Don't you think it would be better if they would've put some fishes in here?"

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"Don't you think it would be better if they would've put some fishes in here?"

Lucy asked with a tired sigh, yawning slightly as her hand carelessly formed ripples in the water, splashing it lightly once in a while in idleness.

It had been half an hour since they've been sitting by the pool, idly chatting. They had long finished the discussion of Klaus' life story and had gotten into idle chatter which was still going on.

"But no, then they would've been eating our legs right now." shrugged Lucy as if it were the most obvious thing.

"They would put cute little fishes, not sharks or piranhas."

"But, those would still try to eat our legs."

"But it won't be deadly."

"But still, it's a breach of privacy."


"Yeah! I can't just allow some random fish to gnaw on my feet."

Klaus pulled a perplexed face, letting out a 'hmph' sound. "That's..... wow."

"Sorry." she chuckled slightly. "I'm just feeling a little sleepy right now. And when I'm sleepy, I go a little crack."

"It's okay. Maybe this will help." he finished casually before in a blur of a second his hand had scooped up some water and splashed it on Lucy's face, the droplets splattering across her forehead, cheeks, nose and lips particularly as the water dripped down the chin to her collarbone and her mouth fell agape in shock.

Lucy theatrically wiped her face with her hand in slow-mo as she huffed out a "You declared war." with the added emphasis of a glare thrown towards Niklaus who was trying to hide a grin behind his pursed lips.

"I was just trying to help you get rid of the sleepiness." he raised his hand in defence as she huffed childishly.


Nik blew a breath, grinning, before that grin was wiped off his face as a ball of water hit him in the face.

Yes, a 'ball' of water.

"That's cheating!" he exclaimed, wiping his face. "You said you wouldn't."

"Sorry, but I never said 'that'." grinned Lucy, turning to face him. (literally and non-literally, both)

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