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I'll bring you back.

tw : panic attack, major character death, hyperventilating

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tw : panic attack, major character death, hyperventilating

Lucy couldn't quite hear anything over the loud thumping of blood in her ears. Breathing felt impossible.

And yet her eyes still stayed glued to her daughter, now gone.

She didn't know of anything going on around her any longer. She didn't know as Jeremy slowly walked towards her, her magic dissipated from him. She didn't know when Kol and Elena slowly stood up.

She didn't know anything but that her daughter was gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. And she couldn't do anything to save her.

Brie, her sweet little girl. So happy, so jubilant for her birthday. All ready to leave for amusement park. And now? Now. No, no. This can't be real. This can't be -


A strong voice snapped her back to her surroundings and her eyes focused on the face before her.

"Nik.." she whispered, choking back a sob, "Brie. Brie..."

"Hey, hey, no." Niklaus said frantically, his own eyes glistening with tears, as he made her look into his eyes. "Breathe, love, breathe."

She hiccupped, a sob surfacing its way, as she tried to breathe, but just managed to take in gasps of air.

"No, noo," she wailed, the tears flowing, as Nik pulled her into his chest, holding her tightly.

"NO!" she screamed, her voice choking with her own sobs, "Why? Why her!? Why? It's her birthday today. Why does he hate me so much?! WHY?! I should have just kept running. I should have kept her hidden-"

"Lucy, Lucy, breathe, breathe," Niklaus urged frantically, holding her, his own voice raw with emotion, "please, love."

"This-This can't be real." she said suddenly. "This is just some sick illusion, isn't it? Some sick joke. A test, maybe? I don't know!"

She leaned over the glass coffin, peering closely as if checking its cretitability, her face falling as she realised that all this was not any dream or an illusion or a sick joke.

"I'll bring her back." she said firmly, wiping harshly at her cheeks and beginning to stand up out of Nik's grip. "Yes. I'll bring her back."

He held her down, saying weakly, "Lucy, no, stop."

"You can't ask me to stop, Nik!" she shrieked. "I. Will. Bring. Her. Back. Mark my words."

He let her be as she scrambled through the kitchen for salt.

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now