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So, this marks the end of BOOK 1 of the RSU Universe.

R - redemption
S - salvation
U - utopia

This book was started almost 2 years ago, which just blows my mind 🤯. And this has been such a beautiful journey to share Lucy's story with you people.

In the beginning, there was this just base idea of a self-empowered fem character in TVD who is opposite to Klaus, and then the details started coming to me with time. Her past, Stefan, Brie, the sacrifice thing, her relationship with Klaus and other characters.

Her friendship with Bonnie was always a must from the beginning. In almost 99% of the fics I've seen Care become FMCs bff, but I am a Bonnie gurlie, so she was always meant to be Lucy's bff.
Also with Tyler. Like 99% of fics showed Damon as bsf, but I kinda wanted Tyler to has a good-ish relation with her. In short I poured in all that I yearned for, but couldn't find in other fics.

Lucy & Stefan's frndship is also so close to my heart 💌💌. And ofc Vaishali and Lucy's pair 💋💋. Ik V kinda disappeared by the end of the book, but dw I have a suprise regarding V in BOOK 2 😙😙.

And Casper and Lucy's relationship had so much ups and downs, but the betrayal was decided since the beginning so I didn't let myself attach too much to him.

Same with Brie kinda, like it was totally decided for her to die instead of Kol. I do kinda feel like I should have showed more of her scenes and moments. But again I didn't attach myself too much with her 😭💔. Initially it was decided for her to not return back, but writing the Limbo scene, the meet-up with Brie just popped up and then I decided to bring her back (she'll be back by the end of TO season 2).

Also, Charlie, like I felt so sad writing his funeral scene in the last chapter even tho we didn't get much of his scenes throughout the book (ik I just forgot abt the poor dog😭), but animal's deaths are too heartbreaking. It was also decided from the beginning for him to die when Lucy gets her throat slit.

And ofc, Marsha. I decided to give her more screen time (or word time?😂) so that you guys create a connection with her and when she betrays, you feel the pain of the betrayal (ik I'm evil💀), but then I wrote with the flow and suddenly we were at the end of the season, and she literally had one scene 💀, but it was necessary to show Dietrich's plans and deal with Esther , so I just thought to let the scene be despite your non-connection with her.

I have these hugeee plans for like the next book, especially the end of season 2 and the whole season 3. Like I can already see BOOK 2 becoming my fav. THE FIGHTS. THE TENSION. UGHH. you guys will guess by just reading the description of BOOK 2.

Also, does RSU sounds weird? I just get dual feelings. I first thought to make the acronym RUIN, but four books didn't feel necessary and the only nice word with U was Utopia, but that wouldn't go with BOOK 2's theme, and will absolutely go with BOOK 3's theme.

82 chapters had been a hell long ride😂, but honestly the beginning chapters are like short and shorter. And Google docs tell me that the total is 200k+ words 💀😭. Anyone know the normal/avg word count?😂

(still sad at the lack of batman comments on the vengeance line 🫠🫠)

Okayyy, so now off to the final see off from this Book, byieeueee, imma see you in BOOK 2 SALVATION, which follows Lucy & Nik's journey into Season 2&3 of The Originals. (unless you plan to abandon me😔. do not do that. else imma haunt you😋)


(the book is published!)

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(the book is published!)

(& u guys go and follow me on Instagram, from the link chain in my bio 💌. REDEMPTION stuff is out there waitin for u guys 💋😋.)

Until then,

Until then,Ripahhhhhhhhhh

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