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Lucy's look for this chapter ≈

Lucy's look for this chapter ≈

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Ew! Me? Elena's friend? Never.

"What are you doing?" grumbled Lucy as a beam of sunlight stirred her awake from her deep slumber

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"What are you doing?" grumbled Lucy as a beam of sunlight stirred her awake from her deep slumber.

"Mornin' sleepyhead!" came the sing-song voice of Stefan as he threw open the curtains making the whole room illuminate in the sunlight.

Tucked under the soft covers of the bed of a guest room in the Salvatore Boarding house, was a sleepy lady, mumbling curses at whosoever interrupted her beauty sleep.

Wisps of hair falled delicately over her face as she rubbed her eyes letting out a loud yawn.

"What?!" she asked, her voice raspy from being just woken up, as she let out another yawn, sitting up to lean on the headboard of the bed.

"I am going to school and you-" began Stefan cheekily but was cutted off by a scowling Lucy.

"I am not going to any stupid high school!" she exclaimed throwing him a deadly glare.

"Fine." he raised his hands in mock surrender, "Either way I wasn't asking you to go to school with me."

"Good." she grinned, tying her hair up, "But then why the hell did you wake me up?"

"If I wouldn't wake you up now, then you will be sleeping all day." he said, booping her noise lightly as she let out a childish huff crossing her arms over her chest.

"Whatever." she rolled her eyes as some fresh clothes were thrown at her, smacking her in the stomach.

"Get ready. At least have some breakfast with me. And Rebekah is also staying here." said Stefan throwing her a playful salute.

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