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Is that me?

"You must be Caroline

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"You must be Caroline." said Lucy as a blond head poked from inside the door of the Bennett House, her confused eyes trailing over the witch standing in front of her.

"I'm sorry, but... you are?" asked the confused blonde.

Lucy had immediately left for the Bennett House after the whole incident in the forest, and of course she passed by the Gilbert girl who was just leaving the house with a crestfallen look.

"I'm Lucy, Stefan's friend. You probably won't know me, but I know you." said Lucy. "You're Liz's daughter, right? Caroline. Caroline Forbes."

"Um...yeah..." said Caroline albeit hesitantly.

"I-I came to meet Bonnie. Is she in there?" asked Lucy with an expectant look on her face.

"Um... she - I -" said Caroline, tripping over her words before exhaling sharply. "She wants to be left alone for some time."

"I understand-I-I completely understand." sighed Lucy. "But, I just wanted to see her, you know, after-after what happened today."

"I know, I-I truly know, but-" began Caroline but a third voice cutted her off.

"It's okay Caroline. Let her in." came Bonnie's voice as the blonde turned around to look at her friend standing there, her eyes sombre and the residual tears still visible from when she heard the conversation between the blonde and Elena.

"Thank you." Lucy muttered, entering inside the Bennett House, following after Bonnie who took a seat beside her transitioning mother.

"Um.. how-how is she?" asked Lucy softly, her eyes travelling to the Bennett Witch unconscious on the bed.

"She's transitioning, but hasn't woken up yet." sighed Bonnie.

"And how are you?" she asked, her eyes shifting to Bonnie sitting there with a melancholic expression etched on her face.

"I'm fine." she replied shortly.

Lucy sighed to herself. Bonnie Bennett wasn't the one to open up easily. But why should she? She barely knows Lucy, who is just a friend of Stefan in her eyes, and someone her mother had warned her about.
Yes, Lucy was aware of what Abby had told Bonnie, and was all ready to bring it up in this conversation.

"You know, I once had a small kitten." began Lucy. "I loved her more than anything else. I would never leave her out of my sight, take her everywhere with me no matter how much I was scolded for doing so. But, somehow, not even days after, she ran away. And then years later she also came back. I rejoiced at her abrupt arrival, but destiny had other plans as she met with an accident. Severe condition. Very little hope for recovery. I was saddened to no end, but I dare not show it. What would people say? I'm crying because of someone with whom I've not even spent a few days? Someone I'd only known for the beginning few days of my childhood? But, she meant something to me. She was a piece of my soul. So why am I afraid of showing that I care? That I'm affected?"

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now