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Youngest brother among the Mikaelsons, if you don't happen to remember.

Surprisingly, Casper wasn't among those who would call attention to themselves unnecessarily

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Surprisingly, Casper wasn't among those who would call attention to themselves unnecessarily. He was a well-sorted person, knowing exactly what he wants with his life; however, unfortunately, not knowing how to manage his relationships.

He, somehow, always ended up getting stuck between his father and Lucy. Choosing between the two was the most difficult task he had ever had to do. And this task had emerged once again and, sadly, without Casper being aware. And, unknowingly, he had chosen Lucy this time by killing the bartender.

"Casper, Casper, Casper, wouldn't it have been better to simply leave a SMS or drop a miss call or voicemail? Was there really the need to kill someone?" said Lucy, sarcasm dripping from her tone, to Casper on the phone call which she had immediately dialled after reaching her hotel room.

"I've been trying to contact you for so long and you've been ignoring me. And whose number are you calling from?"

"Oh," Lucy facepalmed. She had carried only one phone of hers and left all the others back in Mystic Falls. Casper couldn't contact her no matter how hard he tried. "I left my phone back there in Mystic Falls. It's my other phone. So sorry that was the reason you couldn't contact me. But why in the name of merlin did you kill someone?"

"I wasn't planning to. I just intended to talk to you, alone. I located you there but you weren't even there."

"I was at the terrace. Having dinner."

"With Klaus Mikaelson, I presume."

Lucy nearly wanted to roll her eyes but didn't, forgetting for a moment that he ain't watching her.

"I can assure you that 'that' shouldn't bother you in the least. I'm pretty sure that I'm quite grown up enough to make my own decisions myself."

Lucy was pleasantly surprised at the fact that she didn't start a fight.
She kinda held her 'date night' responsible for her pleasant mood.

"Yeah, I know that." sighed Casper. "And I didn't say anything this time actually."

"I mean, it was just a pre-advice." she shrugged, preferring to stand by the huge window by her bed to look over at the perfect view of the magnificent Italy. "But then why did you kill her?"

"Firstly, she was a vampire." he explained as if that was enough to kill someone. "And secondly, she was acting very suspicious. In fact she was the one who told me that you went with 'the Hybrid', her words not mine, and called you Lucia. How else would know all this if she wasn't connected to the supernatural world? I even felt her vampire signature."

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