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She hates me so much.

Lucy was back to base zero

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Lucy was back to base zero.

Brie hates me. She thinks the baby to be her replacement. And, now, she wishes to kill that replacement.

"She hates me. She hates me." Lucy sobbed, her hand tugging at her scalp hair aggressively as Niklaus pulled her closer into his arms.

"No, Brie could never hate you, Lucy." he said, prying her hands out of her hair and cupping her face with his hands, wiping the tears off with his thumb. "That was not Brie. It's impossible."

"She tried to stab me, Nik," she cried, looking at him with blurred eyes, "in my stomach. If I hadn't put my hand in between. . ."

She choked on her words and curled into his chest, squeezing her eyes shut as if that would shield her from the horrors of the world.

"But, you're okay. Both of you are okay." Nik whispered, rubbing her back in a comforting manner as he lowered his head to press a lingering kiss on her head.

"We would not have been if you hadn't been there on time. Brie pushed me down the stairs." she whimpered, her hands fisting the material of his shirt which was damp with her tears. "She hates me so much."

"That was not her." he said sternly, pulling away to look her in the eyes. "Listen to me, alright? That was not her. Okay?"

"No, it was her." she shook her head. "I saw her. I talked to her. She looks exactly like her! Talked exactly like her-!"

"-no, no." he said sternly. "Lucia Wright, ask yourself would Brie ever do something like that? Would such a sweet child ever do something horrible like murder her own sister? Why would she ever hurt her sister or her mother?"

"Because she hates me!" Lucy cried out. "And thinks her sister to be her replacement!"

"No. She doesn't think like that. The one who pushed you was not the real Brie. I'll prove it to you."

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked tearfully, covering her face with her hands as he stepped off their bed and began dialling someone.

"I'm arranging for a séance. You will talk to the real Brie and know that the one who pushed you was not her." he said, his tone full of determination.


Lucy was cut short as the door was opened and Elijah stepped in, looking at them apologetically.

"I apologise for the intrusion, but you both ought to come downstairs. Now."

"Elijah, can't you see-" Niklaus began furiously, his hand almost crushing his phone in anger at his brother's insolent behaviour.

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