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I loved many over the centuries, and many loved me. It is difficult to keep up with the number.

"I thought it was story time

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"I thought it was story time."

"Eager much?" Lucy wiggled her brows jokingly, taking a bite out of her pastry as Nik kept his untouched, simply holding it lazily in his palm.

"I guess so." he shrugged with a small smile. "Because when I said your life seems pretty adventurous to miss hearing, I wasn't joking or trying flirting for that case."

"Trying flirting?"Lucy snorted.


"Sure, I'm gonna finish this real quick. 'Cause eating and talking together could, you know, could make me choke and I could actually die." Lucy explained, beginning to take larger bites instead. "But, if I'll be honest, I'm actually just thinking how to begin the story- it's quite long, I must warn you -it is difficult to come up with the right words."

They fell silent for a moment, as Lucy ate her pastry, until Nik broke the silence hanging overhead.

"I'm a bit surprised, love."

"About what?" Lucy furrowed her brows shifting in her place on a lone bench the couple had occupied in the middle of a grassy patch, not too far away from the Pageant's acquired destination.

"I thought you hated butterscotch." he shrugged, motioning towards the pastry she was eating.

"It's not butterscotch. It's vanilla." she said, uncertainty lacing her voice as she paused the bite she was about to take.

"I'm pretty sure it's not vanilla." he mused.

"Here, try it."

She spooned the last piece of her pastry, looking at it with uncertainty (she had a hard time believing how she could not identify sweets' flavours) and raised it to his mouth waiting for him to take a bite.

He looked at her, something hidden in his eyes, and took a gentle hold of her hand, guiding the spoon into his mouth as ate it slowly, purposely making thoughtful faces believing it to increase her uncertainty.

"What is it?" she asked as he kept eating it with a painfully slow pace.

It was amusing how a pastry flavour meant this much to her.

"Wait, love. Things like this take time." he murmured through a mouthful.

She rolled her eyes slightly, just now noticing that he'd put his untouched plate of pastry by the bench's leg.

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now