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Lucy's look for this chapter ≈

Lucy's look for this chapter ≈

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(Made by me!)


Amazing. Perfect timing.

Heading out of the boarding house, Lucy was quite surprised to see Tyler Lockwood approaching her with a determined look on his face

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Heading out of the boarding house, Lucy was quite surprised to see Tyler Lockwood approaching her with a determined look on his face.

"Tyler, what a surprise." she said with raised brows as Tyler came to stop in front of her.

"Um... I wanted to talk about what you mentioned last night."

After Carol had gone to manage the funding section, Lucy had taken Tyler to a secluded room to talk about an important matter during the founder's party.

"Come on, have a seat." offered Lucy as she sat down on the sofa, waiting politely for Tyler to take a seat from across her.

"You know, Klaus keeps an eye on all his hybrids. " he stated anxiously. "If he comes to suspect that I am trying to betray him in any way, then he won't hesitate to kill me."

"Nothing to worry about, I made sure no one saw us coming here." she assured.

"And if someone tries to listen in, then I have a solution for that as well." she motioned to the burning sage set in the corner of the room, out of anybody's site.

"Ok." he agreed reluctantly.

"Your mother, she is quite worried about you even though she doesn't show it in front of anybody else." said Lucy as she poured two glasses of champagne for them. "You know, about the sire bond and all."

"I know, but there is nothing I can do about it." he shrugged helplessly. "Unless, of course, what you are saying is actually effective."

"Oh, come on, don't be such a pessimist." chuckled Lucy. "Every problem has a solution. It might take time, but eventually there always is a solution."

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now