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Call me anything you want.

Apparently, when they reached upstairs, Hayley and Klaus seemed to be in a sort of little argument

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Apparently, when they reached upstairs, Hayley and Klaus seemed to be in a sort of little argument. Or more like Hayley being confronted by the Original Hybrid for helping Tyler break his sire bond. Well, whatever the case was, the newest arrivals at the scene found it more entertaining to stand by the doorway and watch.

"Look at you, looking so cute having an argument like this." mused Lucy, turning the arguing pair's attention to them.

Everyone gave her a look which clearly said 'What the fuck?'.

"Just kiddin'" Lucy raised her hands in defence. "Can't a person joke around here for a moment or so?"

"Nevermind," Tyler cleared his throat. "What are you doing here Klaus?"

"Oh, you know, just introducing myself to this new friend of yours." said Klaus casually, sitting down on the chair by the desk in the room, propping his feet up. "I asked her to take the back door so Caroline wouldn't see. But she didn't quite listen to me."

"Whatever you think you know-" began Tyler but Klaus cut him off smugly.

"I don't 'know' anything. But I've put together a pretty convincing picture. Why don't you tell me where my imagination deviates from reality?"

"You went off to the Appalachians to break my sire bond." began Klaus as he stood up from his place nearing Tyler, his stance reeking of confidence, but Lucy came to stand in between them, her gaze hard, but amusement and confidence dripping from her words alike.

"Met a pack of wolves, asked for help. Among them was a girl, named Hayley, who is gorgeous. They gave in in a moment of weakness. And Caroline knows this."

Klaus' jaw tightened for a moment, before an amused smile reached his lips. "How amazing. One of the many things I like about you: always so tough and ready to stand up for anyone."

Vaishali coughed, sharing a look with Hayley who pursed her lips in a joking manner.

Lucy grinned, "That I surely am, thank you. See, this is how you lighten the mood."

Lucy was surprised at her own reaction. She was 99.99% sure that normally she would have replied savagely, turning the conversation into a very bad argument. This time she managed the situation. Great improvement.

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