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I'm the truth you can never escape

:Rosalia's pov:

I was lying on my bed scattered and unable to process the things that happened earlier. I was crying so hard that I didn't notice Kristen sitting beside me on the bed.

She started gently stroking my hair.
"Why didn't you tell me Rose what happened in my absence" she sounded very concerned.

"It all happened within a day. I just met him twice. I had no clue this was coming. I was about to tell you but I didn't want to spoil your date" I told her everything that happened earlier this.

Her jaw dropped after listening to my words.

" I was so shocked when I saw him, Rose. He is a very dangerous person. We have to do something. You have to escape the town."

"How can I just run away. I don't have enough money or a place to stay. besides his man is outside our apartment" my voice cracked.

"You can stay at my house in Philadelphia. I'll inform my parents. when things cool down you can come back"
" But how will I escape from his guard?"

We peeped through the window and saw a tall bulky man in a black suit standing across the street from our apartment.

Then I thought of asking for help from Kate & discussed it with Kristen. My brain was all foggy. I couldn't think of any better idea.

The next day...

I couldn't sleep last night thinking of the possible hardships that might come. I can't just give in so easily. I won't.

With a heavy head and puffy eyes, I got up from my bed and took a shower and changed into my usual office outfit.
Kristen insisted I eat breakfast but I couldn't. I had lost my appetite due to the stress.

"Don't think too much. It's just a matter of time, take care of yourself. Contact me when you get there" she tried to give me some comfort.

I hugged her tightly and bid her goodbye.
I didn't take anything with me except for money and my IDs as I didn't want him to suspect me.

As I got out and walked to the front street the man greeted me good morning.
He asked permission from mr Knight and drove me off to my office. I saw the man standing near the main entrance. As I anticipated he didn't leave. He stood there at the entrance of the building.

After entering, I went straight up to miss Kate's office. I knocked on the door. She told me to come in.

My mind was full of dubious thinking about the risk factors of asking for help from his own sister. But I had no other way.

"Miss kate I have a favour to ask" I said panting.

"What is it, Rosalia! You look so pale... What happened!" She spoke in a caring tone.

"yesterday mr. Knight, he... "
I shrugged off the thought of possible comebacks and decided to try my luck and told her everything that happened to me.

She was looking concerned but not shocked.
"Do you have a place to go?"

"I do. I just want you to help me get out of the office without the man notice. Mr Knight wouldn't suspect anything till the office hours end. In the meantime, I'll be gone. Please help me."

She took some time to think.

"I can help you there is a secret emergency exit on the backside of the building. This will lead you to the high street without the guard noticing. But you have to promise me nobody should know that I am the one who helped you escape"

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