The Test

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Embarrassing me in front of others never fails to please Kevin. Even the four years old child is eating his fill himself and I am being fed like a toddler. He just treats me like a whore inside the bedroom and his most precious thing outside it! How can the same person acts so different from time to time. It's messing with my mind weirdly.

"Eat up," Kevin said while holding the medicine in front of my mouth patiently. It's not like I don't want to.. but it tastes bitter and I hate it.

"Can I please skip it? .. I am feeling much better now" I requested softly.

"Rosalia, Stop acting childish. If you fall sick this time I'll shift the hospital to our room but you are not going back there." He exhorted shoving the capsule inside my mouth forcefully.

My whole body shuddered due to its bitter taste.

"When is tomorrow's flight for Marseille?" Kate questioned Kevin from the opposite side of the table. 

"The trip has been cancelled," Kevin informed her while feeding me the last spoon of the bland tasted soup.

"What! Then what about our annual fundraising program?" She asked out in utter astonishment.

"That is postponed to the next month," Kevin said nonchalantly. Obviously, his sister can not expect him to explain the reason behind his sudden change of plans.

I saw Kate rolling her eyes at me in such a way as if he was doing all these because of me. In fact, I was also impatiently waiting for this event to occur. It is a royal charity auction as I heard of... But postponing it meant that I'll have to wait and play along with Kevin for one more month! I thought of using this chance to escape and I already cooked up so many ideas about it in my head but when does a single thing goes on the way I expect!

_ _

Kevin did not let me set my foot on the floor for almost a week after I came back from the hospital. And three weeks went by like this eventually ..with Kevin taking care of my meals and especially the medicines.

All of his family members including him had left for Marseille three days back leaving me here. Kevin had personally invited Eric saying their most important familial program will be incomplete without his presence. Cause obviously the family includes Eric but not me. Honestly, I am happy that I don't ... I want to utilise this time to carry out my plans sharply.. and I have only four days left!

But my health is not really keeping up with me for the past few days.
My mornings are dizzy and nauseous. No matter how less or what I eat, I tend to throw it up immediately after.

But today has been the worst among these. My stomach churned and I vomited all the regular foods I had in the breakfast. My head was continuously spinning since then. I took painkillers but the ache did not reduce. Moreover, my body is showing a reasonless display of tiredness without even doing anything. I believed I regained my health long back. Then why this is all happening to me after weeks of coming back from the hospital.

I checked myself in the mirror. My face looked pale like I am sick for days. After I darted my eyes to the desk calendar, the date reminded me that my periods were also late by five days. My mind stiffened. No! there is no way, the thought can ever be true what just crossed my mind. I never missed a pill. Then what is it going on with me!

I can not brush it off so carelessly. I need to consult a doctor as fast as possible to clear out my silly confusion.

I immediately put my trench coat over my outfit and rushed downstairs.

The security guards stopped me when I reached the main entrance of the mansion. I already knew that was gonna happen.

The tall stoic men glanced at me when I brought the topic of letting me leave.

"Sorry, Madam but we are not allowed to do that" one of them said impassively.

"Please it is an emergency. I have a regular checkup today. You can send as many bodyguards as you want with me but let me. I'll be back in an hour. You can ask your boss for permission if you want to." I risked it and said. I haven't got the faintest idea what excuse I'll make up to Kevin if he questions.

They dialled Kevin's number multiple times but luckily he was out of reach. Most probably he was busy as it was the day of the main event.

They were hesitant at first but no matter what I am to Kevin .. for them I am still their boss's wife. So, things concluded with John personally taking me out of the mansion as he is the most trusted among the men in absence of Kevin.

"You could have just called the doctor home," John said annoyedly while turning off the car's engine in front of the same hospital where I was admitted weeks ago. I did not answer him and quietly got out of the car. Two of their men and John went inside the hospital with me. They stood by the main chember's door while I went inside it.

The middle aged lady doctor checked my pulse rate and eyes first. And then started querying about my symptoms.

"Mainly when are you feeling nauseated or like vomiting?" The doctor questioned after hearing all from me.

"It is worst early in the day," I told her.

"Your periods?" She asked.

"It is five days late" I answered.

"See, all your symptoms are showing early signs of pregnancy. Your periods are late and what you are experiencing is morning sickness. These are very common in the first trimester of pregnancy" She said smiling at me warmly.

What the hell is she saying! My heart dropped to my stomach after hearing these words. I have always made sure to take the contraceptive pills regularly without missing.

"But-but how can it be possible? There must be some misunderstanding.. I-I am on the pills" I spoke faint heartedly strictly holding the tears from falling down my eyes. I am only 22 and most importantly I don't want to be the mother of that monster's child.

"There is a slim chance of that. I'll run the blood test now and send the specimen to our inhouse laboratory to confirm whether my diagnosis is correct or not." She said confidently and called a nurse for collecting the specimen of my blood.

A ray of hope emerged in me. I am one hundred percent certain that I am not pregnant... I can not afford to be! God can not be this cruel to me.

I closed my eyes when the nurse was needling out the blood from my left arm. She was very careful with it observing my fear.

"Please wait outside the chamber, ma'am. Your reports will be prepared within an hour." The nurse informed while discarding the used syringe.

An unexpected thought popped into my head all of a sudden.

"Excuse me, can I please borrow your phone for a minute? I need to call my husband urgently and I forgot my phone at home" I lied mellifluously.

"Sure ma'am" She friendly said and handed me her cellphone.

I thanked her and quickly typed the number I had remembered.


Thank you for reading♡
I'll update soon (;


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