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"Rose" my father's known voice steadied my quivering nerves. The cloud of my uncertainties cleared away. I have not been wronged. I'm finally free!

I saw my dad coming down the stairs towards me. The light was dim but it did not obstacle me from detailing my father's face. He is in his early fifties now. Folds and ridges of ageing have embraced his face beautifully. That could be clearly seen when he came much closer.

"How are you, child?" He asked as he used to do back in those days after coming back from the long trips.

Frustrated, depressed, stressed, destroyed and broken that's all I had in my mind.

"I am fine!" Only these three words I could find to answer back with a feeble smile.

"Oh see! my little girl has grown up into an amazing young woman" Dad hugged me and I hugged him back heartily.

"You must be very tired. Let me take you to your room." He said concernedly and took me to a room that was at the corner of that ground floor.

It was a baby pink room with a queen sized comfortable bed. Beautiful flower paintings, dreamy fairy lights with a side mirror wall were present in there. It could be concluded without any doubt that this room had been decorated for a girl, must be for me! I'll thank dad in the morning.

We already had dinner before landing and I was not feeling like eating anything else. I quenched my thirst by gulping the grape juice that was kept for me on the nightstand and then pulled the comforter over my tired body.

Even though I can not easily sleep in a new place, my eyelids felt awfully heavy. The next moment I opened my eyes it was morning already. Sunrays brightened the colour of the room and the chirping of birds could be heard also. I sat up in a hurry. In a heartbeat, night turned into morning. I had slept so deep after so many days.

Some clothes were also arranged for me in the small closet. After taking shower I changed into a skirt and slouchy sweater and footed outside of the room. A middle-aged lady immediately came to me noticing me in the hall.

"colazione?" She asked. Having no idea of its meaning I smiled at her awkwardly. (Breakfast?)
She didn't say anything further and I silently followed her to the garden where dad was reading the newspaper. I took a seat opposite to him on that outdoor breakfast table while wishing him morning. Various types of dishes were already served for us on there.

"Here, have it," Dad said while sliding a plate towards me. My nostrils got filled with an unpleasant smell as it had mushroom toast with fried egg.

"But.. but dad I'm allergic to mushrooms" I stated to him quite confusedly. Did he really forget that I was admitted to the hospital for days because of this severe allergy attack! I smiled at dad to cover for his apprehensive expressions. It was seriously wrong of me to expect he would remember all these details after ten long years. It must have slipped out of his mind. Taking the remaining of the bread sides I slathered them with jam.

"It must have been very hard for you to live like that for days," dad asked in a commiserate tone.

I just nodded positively while sipping on the latte. It was definitely something more than just hard for me to warm the man's bed every day and night who had zero trust and respect for me.

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