Guns and Roses I

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I could not trust my eyes at that moment.

"You have no fucking idea how much I want to kill you right now" Daniel seethed in front of me while I was still not able to process his unanticipated presence.

He swept me off my feet with a sudden pull towards him.

"Corri, se non vuoi che ti svuoti questa pistola nella testa." Daniel bellowed at them making me flinch. There was a gun in his other hand to my horror. (Run if you don't want me to empty this gun in your head)

"tu donna avida! ti ho detto di acconsentire più velocemente." That man spat at his woman but they wasted no second in rushing away from there while arguing with each other. (you greedy woman! I told you to agree faster)

I was this close to getting on my desired way. Then this had to happen!

"Get in the car" He commanded me the next moment pointing his gun towards a black car behind him. I could not help but shake my head with complete disagreement while attempting to jerk away from him.

"I have a gun, Rose. And I won't delay a moment before disabling your legs if I have to." He rolled his gun with his fingers darting his gazes towards my very bare legs atrociously.

It is not unknown to me how everyone in their twisted family lack patience. I do not know much about Kevin's brother. But by looks it was quite evident that this man was not just making words, he was determined about his evil intentions.

Standing still out of reluctance only increased his impatience more. With a few more drags he took me to his car and made me sit inside it forcefully.

Daniel right away fastened his seatbelt and started up the car's engine. I clasped the seatbelt tightly as he started driving at an insane speed. Even though the road was almost empty I was scared for my dear life.

Even under these circumstances, horrible thoughts kept coming to my mind. It was obvious if Daniel is here then it was Kevin who must have sent his brother to bring me back to that prison.

It was beyond my imagination what the outcomes will be of my audacity. I, who not only stated countless lies for days, also escaped taking advantage of his absence with the help of his betrayer employee, Luca. The single thought of returning and standing in front of Kevin filled my entire body with terror. I was feeling sweaty despite the cold chilly weather during that expeditious ride.


"You can not possibly be this stupid that you could not even stop your daughter from running away" I smirked at Adam who was helpless and pitifully defenceless like he should have been years back. The sight of Adam and his useless stepson tied to the wooden chairs and all ready to bear the torments I am about to inflict upon them exhilarate my mind.  And doubtless, all of the credit goes to no one but my beloved wife. She is indeed my lucky charm.

"She escaped you also!" That fuckard stepson of Adam dared to cross our conversation.

"She did because I let her, fucking asswit" I finally broke the ice to them. They were unable to exchange their overly stunned expressions to each other due to the tight ropes.

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