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*mature content*

                   : ROSALIA's POV :

I woke up feeling an intolerable pain in my head and the first thing I noticed was strawberries! Actually a ton of strawberries and jars of Nutella on the bedside table. What's wrong!

The sweet fruity smell of strawberries soothed my hammering nerves a little bit. It was one of the rarest days that I was not getting up to being fucked. My escape plan fizzled out. I can't even execute a single thing properly. I recalled getting terribly drunk, stumbling on the roads and inside the aquarium shop but I can't remember a single thing after that. Did Kevin change my dress last night! 

I moved inside the bathroom to have a hot bath hoping that it will help me with this headache. Wearing a bathrobe I came out and found Kevin leaning against the wall near the bed. I walked past him and sat on the bed.

"Your strawberries and Nutella are here, babe, and also that tablet for your hangover." He said pointing at the baskets on the bedside table. I looked at him sceptically.

"You were crying for these, last night baby! Don't you remember?" crying for strawberries! I mean I love them but it sounds so embarrassing.

"No" I replied honestly.

"I must say you are very clingy and honest when you are drunk, babygirl." I was being clingy to Kevin!! If that's what alcohol does to me I'll never drink again. Not at least when he is around. But what he meant by honest!

He came close to me and pulled my chin to meet with his dark uncertain eyes.

"But baby you didn't tell me before that you ..." He trailed his fingers along my jawline not breaking the eye contact. I gulped hoping that I had not confessed anything stupid about my stupid intentions.

"You can talk to a fish" He laughed. I looked away to hide my red face.

"I am sorry for all these" I don't want to know what I did anymore.

"Don't be. I actually enjoyed it. Got to know some new things about my kitten" He said while taking a strawberry with his other hand and pushed it in my mouth.
"You look cute when your mouth is stuffed with food or my dick" I hardly stopped myself from choking on the strawberry. His words are always so unfiltered.


The dress I put on today made me as happy as a calm. It was a floral dress with a sweetheart neckline. We are visiting a banquet hall today for some party more like a business lunch as Kevin said. And then will be touring on a cruise on the Seine river. A cruise! I would be lying if I say I wasn't excited about that.

We were welcomed by the security guards. Instantly some men in suits came hurrying towards us and escorted us to a place where people were sitting for us to settle. I looked around to catch a hold of the place.

"You look wonderful today babygirl," Kevin said catching my attention. I was getting used to him complimenting me every now and then.

"Thank you. You too" He beamed a smile. His formal black waistcoat made him look really nice.

"How come you never had a boyfriend baby?" He asked. What should I answer! The smiling face of Kate while dancing with Eric flashed in my mind for a moment.

"I- I just didn't have any ... any time or mind to date" His phone buzzed suddenly saving me from more questions.

"I'll be back in a minute. Don't you dare move from here." He warned. Getting up he walked out of my sight.

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