My Rose

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❝ 𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 ❞


(mature content as always -_-)

                    : KEVIN's POV :

   I watch my kitten playing with Aaron giggling carelessly and chirping in joy.

My wife. My Rosalia.

I do possess everything a man can desire for but calling her mine brings me the maximum satisfaction. The only thing that is good in my life right now is her.

I was determined to make her mine the moment I saw her. Her innocence and purity tempted me to taint her. I was captivated by her naivety.

I don't remember sleeping with the same girl twice. I have always used girls for pleasure. In my world, all the girls were the same. Only my name was enough reason for them to spread their legs even before asking for it. But my doll is different. She was always different.

I married her cause something in her attracted me. An unknown tread of feelings pulled me towards her. Sooner or later I need to have an heir eventually and she could not be more perfect for that. I knew she would make the perfect little wife.

But I don't think it's only restricted to that anymore. She is more than that. I've not touched even think of being with any other girl after the day I saw her. I am surprised by my own actions.

It took me time to realise but I know it by now that it's not her perfect body that inclines me to her, it's her beautiful heart that does. She is so selfless. How she cares for the people around her and how the tiniest things can make her happy amuses me. But a little rebellious she gets often. Never mind that can be easily taken care of. She is too innocent for my dark world and She is everything I can never be. I would not let anyone in this world pollute her beautiful soul.

Every little thing about her drives me crazy. No, it's not just her body that I want to own, I want to own her mind, her soul and every damn thing that she has to offer.

I'm drunk in an unknown feeling. A foreign feeling that is drowning me in. I can't figure it out but it's too late to hold it back. My addiction, obsession, insanity is incredibly increasing with each passing day and I'm unable to control it. Dad was right nothing but these weak, fragile girls can make us weak. She is oblivious to the power she holds though. She is making Kevin Knight weak which nobody could ever do.

She is the woman of my life. Mine to fuck, mine to ravish and mine to cherish. I'll mould her into the perfect queen she should be. She will stay by my side, fulfill my needs and carry my children. She is the woman I want to see on my deathbed. She has to accept this life I'm offering her.

Rosalia Knight belongs to Kevin Knight and will always belong to him. She has no fucking escape from it. She is bound to me forever whether she likes it or not.

With calculative steps, I approached her. Her adorable giggles interrupted when she felt my presence.

I knelt to her level. Placing a red rose on her hair, I inhaled the amazing smell of her hair which never fails to amaze me.

"A rose for my rose" I hushed.

"And for me?" Aaron pouted in a demanding tone.

"I'm letting you have my wife. Isn't that enough for you little boy?" I tapped his cheeks looking at my doll. Her big brown eyes instantly dropped downwards. Unable to control myself, I picked her up bridal style.

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