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Papà! What the hell is happening!
How come Luca is calling my father papa!

"Don't worry about that. Everything has been arranged accordingly" Dad announced calmly.

"But papà what if they do not like her. I mean, you know, she must not be a virgin." Luca said.

"They already did. One of them already came to see her yesterday and confirmed her price. Virgin or not does not matter. She belonged to the Knights .. that increases her demands multiple times and she is exactly what they want!" Dad's voice stabbed my mind. How can someone say such things about his own daughter! What am I! An item of furniture for sale!

"Yes! history repeats itself papà. Now that son will pay for what his father did years back!" Luca viciously spoke.

"That is none of our business, son. We are just a medium. The only thing I see out of it that we are going to get so much money that we will breathe in luxury for the rest of our lives." Lust was evidently dripping down my father's voice. Every single word dad said shattered my heart into millions of pieces. Then I realized the real reason behind my constant uneasiness. No matter how affectionately they tried to behave in front of me, my intuition, my sixth sense always told me the opposite.

"Sei il miglior papà. ti amo tantissimo!" Luca excitedly said in a higher tone. (You are the best, dad. I love you so much)

Their conversations took a pause but I was not able to protrude any step for moving away from there. The menace of the environment had straightened my spine.

"Signora!" Alice exclaimed as soon as she opened the door and found me standing right in front of it.

My dad's face appeared straight to me as he was standing right in the middle of the room. His mischievous smirk quickly changed and a frown with a tensed look took over his face.

"What happened, honey! You look dull." Dad concernedly said while coming towards me making me internally shrink in disgust. I absolutely hate men!

I remained silent being not sure of sounding normal. I could not let him have any hint of my recent knowledge.

"You should have dinner and take some rest!" He then turned to Alice and ordered, "Alice, servile la cena." (Alice, serve her dinner)

I pulled together all of my strength and came downstairs faking a normal face. I have escaped Kevin Knight then these people are nothing to me.

I tried to logic all the things I heard upstairs. Dad said one of them already saw me yesterday. But I do not remember anyone meeting me yesterday. Did that happen when I went outside to have a walk? I was puzzled, disturbed and confused. Alice brought the dinner to my room and kept it on the table. I was rotting in these thoughts but still was not able to figure anything out. 

Flashback (5 months back)

"You never told me anything about your parents, Rosalia," Kevin asked suddenly. It always does surprise me whenever he wants to know something related to my life as I do not expect him to care about my life other than to just use me.

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