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                   : ROSALIA's POV :

- Rose ...

My phone shook in my hands. My father's voice reverberated in my head. I can not put it in words how it feels when your father calls your name after ten long years. A decade!

- Dad!

My tone meshed with a thousand emotions together. Anger, agitation, grief and most of all desperation. Desperation in demand of the unanswered questions.

- Rose, my daughter, how have you been? He asked concerned.

- How have you been dad? What... What happened to you?

- How you expect me to be, child! I am living a colourless life without my family.

- How... How could you dad! How could you just abandon us like this, dad! You didn't worry about us even for once!!

- I was compelled by the situations, my child. I know, a mere sorry can not be the explanation for my deeds. I failed to be a good father to my daughters. But it is a miracle that I got to contact you, my daughter. Otherwise, your father had lost all faith. I am incapable to go there for unavoidable reasons Rose. Come to me at least for once, daughter, please. I want to see my daughters onetime before my death.

My life has taught me well how it can turn upside down within a moment. Luca had already informed me that my dad can never come to the states. He faked his death to escape from his life-threatening situation here. Today also he dialled me from Luca's number due to safety reasons. I don't blame my father completely now. After talking to my father that time, I felt relieved to know that one of my parents is in well-being. I wish to visit my father soon.

It was almost a week we came back from Paris and life has been the pretty same with me having no work to do and locked inside the mansion.

As usual, I was playing with Aaron in his room in the evening time and his caretaker was also there with us.

Suddenly, two men barged into the room without any knocking. They bowed to me and walked near Aaron's caretaker.

"Boss has summoned you," one of them told her with a scowl. Without giving any answer, that old lady made an effort to reach for the door but that man was quick enough to stop her.

"You old hag! Your time is over" they scoffed at her and pulled her out of that room forcefully. I covered Aaron's eyes with my hands not wanting him to see such harsh behaviour towards his nanny.

"What happened?" I asked loudly but they left me unanswered. I called another maid to look after Aaron to follow them behind.

They were taking her to the basement. Before I could proceed any further the guards by the basement's door halted me saying I was not allowed inside that place. I stood there quietly waiting for her to come out. Her poor terror-stricken face arose in my mind. She is so motherly and my only friend in this prison apart from Maria. I do care for her.

After a while, the big black door of the basement opened but instead of her, a furious Kevin came out. He was looking ferociously unsettled while marching towards me.

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