Birthday Party

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                : ROSALIA's POV : 

"Quite a masterpiece you own Mr Knight" he stated.

"What are you doing here Daniel?" Kevin spoke quite annoyingly.

"Brother I missed your wedding. How can I miss your birthday!" He said excitedly and hugged Kevin ignoring his resistance.

I didn't even know that he has a brother also! I observed they have a lot of similar traits and Daniel was nearly as handsome as Kevin. They got busy conversing with each other and I stood there like a dumb mannequin.

Getting bored out of my mind I sought out my sister. After a bit of searching, I found Emilia near the food court but abruptly Eric plugged in my way.

"Mrs Knight" He almost squealed on my face.

"How does it feel being the lady of the house? Are you enjoying being one of the Knights?" I knew he was probably pissed off because of what Kevin said yesterday and I was in no mood to argue with him.

"I never wanted to be one of them. And I -"  before I could finish he cut me off.

"Of course you do. And I am happy that your hard work is finally paid off" he flickered foully.

"I don't okay! And I'll never! I only wish I could just run away from all of you." I ranted out.

"Really! So does Kevin know about your secret intentions?"

Why did I get provoked by his deliberate words! What if he informs all these to Kevin. I was too scared to encounter a single moment of his wrath. But the next thing Eric said made me puzzled.

"See the thing is that unfortunately, we are a family now. So it's better if we do not keep grudges between us. Let's just start fresh and be friends! Okay?" He extended his hand for me.

It's sounded nearly abnormal and I was not going to buy it this easily. Eric walked past me when Emilia came in my direction.

"What is this jackass doing here?" Emilia asked as she noticed Eric was talking to me.

"He is Kate's fiancee. They are to get married soon." I said.

"What the fuck! I just lost all the excitement about meeting Kate" she said folding her arms.

"Why were you excited about meeting her in the first place?"

"Just casually. Besides, I just got to meet her amazing twin, Daniel. He is so hot and an absolute daddy material. I seriously envy you now Rose. You are surrounded by these ultra-rich insanely hot men whereas the boys in my school are a total jerk! Why didn't you mention about him earlier?" She bugged.

"What! I don't want you anywhere near any person present at this party. They are dangerous!!"

"Stop being my mom, Rose. I am eighteen now." She frowned like a child. I felt the need to get her out of here before she does something stupid.

"Stay away from him. You know what just go back to your dorm." I should keep my sister away from me for her own good.

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