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( Chapter contains some violence and mature scene )

                  : Rosalia's POV :

I stupidly waited for the cops to respond to me but the help never came. They hung up saying they would look after this. Kevin was true. I was feeling like a brainless bimbo to think that they could help me.

I noticed every entrance of the mansion was guarded. Many ideas of escaping were lingering around my mind but I can't leave Emilia and Kristen to him. The image of Kristen locked up in the basement and the almost dead driver still makes me shudder in fear.

I observed that the maids and guards were extremely loyal towards him. Asking for help from them would get me into more trouble.

Part of me wanted to be defiant but part of me was accepting the fact that there is no escape. I don't know why life is treating me this way.

After having lunch, I went straight inside the bedroom as I had nothing to do. I was sitting on the edge of the bed and playing games on my mobile when suddenly Eric came in.

"Don't you have the manner to knock!" Irritated I spat.

"We need to talk," he said scratching his cheeks coming towards me.

"No, we don't. You may leave now." I stood up to get away from him.

"Believe me we do. Especially when it comes to you."

"What?" I don't know what is he up to this time.

"Listen whatever happened between us is past. I don't want to ruin my relationship with Kate by telling her that I dated a pathetic bitch like you. It was a terrible mistake."

"Mistake was mine not yours to be precise. I should tell Kate about your glorious past"

"And what makes you think that she will trust you over me?" he said confidently. He was right. Why would Kate trust me over her fiancee.

"Also I don't think Kevin will like the fact that his wife aka pet is the ex-girlfriend of his beloved sister's fiancee because It would dirt his image. So, It's better for you if you shut your mouth" He was right again. He would probably kill me if he gets to know this.

"Don't worry. I also don't want to rant about my terrible mistake of dating a pathetic asshole like you" I mocked. I had enough of his insults.

"You bitch you will pay for this," he growled pointing his finger at me and stormed out of the room.

I don't care. I'm already paying with my life. What worse can happen than this!!

The whole day passed by doing nothing. I wanted to make dinner but the maids told me that they would get fired if I did so. I didn't understand why these many maids and guards were working for just two people!

Doing nothing did not help me with the pain in between my legs. My lower body was still sore from last night.

I took a hot bath using scented body wash and bath bombs to relax my muscles and it kind of worked.

I wore a black short nightgown with straps. I hated that everything in the closet was too revealing and improper.

 I hated that everything in the closet was too revealing and improper

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