Thorns of the Rose

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*warning - sensitive stuff*


I lowered my hand and brought it closer to my face. Pressing the gun against the side of my head, I asserted, "if you don't let me go, I'll kill myself."

I was petrified, pulsating and my heart was hammering against my daring chest in fear. This is a sin that I can never commit. But at that moment, I needed to hold myself strong enough to not portray any of the emotions that were going through my mind.

When I looked up that taken aback disturbed look could be seen on Kevin's face. My sudden stunt had unexpectedly turned the situation in my favour and caught him off guard.

"Rosalia! Have you lost your fucking mind? The safety is not on. It's dangerous. Lower your hand immediately!" Kevin yelled at me. I had no knowledge about this 'safety' thing but it was definitely something that threw him in a position of difficulty. So I did not oblige. Seems like Kevin Knight did not like the taste of his own medicine.

"Rosalia enough is enough! Do you even realise what you are doing?" He asked me through greeted teeth as his non-existing patience was fading with each passing second. I knew what I was doing... I was playing with my life as well as my baby's. But being the only way of my freedom, I had to give it a try.

"I already said let me leave or I'm pulling the trigger!" I announced defiantly. Looking to my side I observed Daniel still standing near the door of the lift impassively.

"How can you say something like this? Are you out of your fucking senses? Are you not thinking about the baby?" Kevin's questioning voice thundered. He sounded very concerned, very worried about my baby. It was good to know that my baby is wanted by its father, unlike my father who attempted to kill and sell his abandoned daughter. Or perhaps he is trying to manipulate me using the baby. I can not be so sure with the man who is bipolar and likes to treat me as his whore in the name of his wife.

Neither do I want to spend my life with this merciless stone-hearted man nor do I want my baby to do the same. A rush of unfelt selfishness ran through my veins. I had already dreamt about my peaceful future own little family. Just me and my baby. I don't want the people around me to take any part in my life anymore. Toxic relatives, toxic father and above all a manipulative toxic husband. He will make my baby like him one day.. I don't want his influence on my child. So giving up is not an option.

"I don't care. I'm not going back where I am not given any respect. You knew I did nothing wrong still you punished me like that. How could you!" I exclaimed fiercely.

"Nothing wrong? You did lie to me, Rosalia. Countless times. You knew how sensitive it was for my sister. If you had told me the truth earlier or at least when I questioned you nothing like that would have happened. The situation was out of my hand that day. I got to know everything later. And you don't need to worry about Eric anymore. I took care of him and that matter in my way." His justification made me furious. Took care in his way.. and the days he spent tormenting me .. what about those!

"I had my own reasons. You did not trust me and I did not deserve that. I don't" with sobs I spoke.

"Trust is earned not given. And you are in no position to expect trust from me!" Kevin declared with a scoff.

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