Your Author ^_^

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My sweet readers,

The first part of 'HIS TO RUIN' ends here... but the story is not completed yet!!

And I am thinking about finishing the remaining story in a different book.

To be honest, I personally do not like how the first few chapters came out in this book cause I did not put much effort or thought into these chapters as I actually had no idea that anyone would read my book.

But you guys are amazing. You guys have always been so sweet and supportive that I can not thank you enough!!! ♡♡

I'm not saying that I have improved or something XD but that's what I feel. Also, I don't want this book to become too lengthy.

For these certain reasons, I'm thinking about finishing part two in a different book. The plot is already in my head and so much is going to happen in it (;

- Please do let me know what you think about it ????

- Also, do you want the second part to get darker?





Thank you!

Don't forget to take care of yourself!

- your author♡

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