A Handsome Devil

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Rosalia's pov:

I have always dreamt of marrying someone who will love, adore and cherish me the most.

I've witnessed the downfall of my parents marriage. The haunting memories of my childhood made me so paranoid.

I was always so hungry for love. For just once in my life I wanted to know how it feels to be truly cherished by someone. But things never happen the way I expect.
Love is not something that is written in my fate. I guess I'm cursed to die unloved.

I had no other option but to give in.
The fear of losing my loved ones was much more than the taste of my freedom.

I wished mommy was here to protect me. She would never let this happen.
I wish I was strong like you, mother.

I saw a tray full of food on the nightstand. I was not in the mood to eat anything. Never running out of tears that night, I cried myself to sleep.

The next day...

I woke up to a knock on the door.
Hoping that someone has brought me food I asked to come in.

A woman in her 30s came in.

"Good morning madam. I'm Maria.
Master Kevin has requested your presence at the breakfast table. He has sent me to help you get ready."

She walked over to the bathroom and prepared a bath for me.

I took a bath and walked inside the closet wearing a bathrobe.
I never really had this many clothes in my entire life. I changed into jeans and an off-shoulder top.

Again Maria came in and asked me if I needed anything

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Again Maria came in and asked me if I needed anything.
I shook my head negatively but she did not leave.

I kept my hair open after drying them.
"Madam do you want me to help you with your hair or makeup?" Maria said.

I'm not really used to have other people do my work. It was a bit uncomfortable.
"You don't need to call me madam. You can call me by my name, it's Rosalia"

"You are very sweet madam & your name also but I can not do that. I am your maid. It is against the rules." She said smiling.
She had an alluring smile on her face.
I think she is a nice person.
I was getting comfortable with her.

I saw her staring at me.
"Is something wrong with my dress, Maria??"

" sorry, madam. Actually, master Kevin has never brought any girl to his bedroom. You are the first." They are lucky then.

"You are really very beautiful madam"

I blushed hard. I always feel shy if someone flatters me.

"All the maids downstairs are waiting to catch a glimpse of you."

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