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Not a single thing except my passport is with me. I do not want Kevin to suspect anything. Most of all, every single thing I have is given by him. And I do not want to take any of those. But you are carrying his baby, Rose. Ironic!

The events of yesterday have determined my intentions way more than before. Now I feel like I am not only doing it for myself... I am doing it for my baby also. I was stupid to think that way, this baby is growing inside of me. So it is mine before it is someone else's. Mommy used to say how blessed and happy she felt when she held me for the first time in her arms. She explained it was an indescribable beautiful rain of feelings that made her so ecstatic that she forgot every single pain of her life. I don't know .. maybe this baby is a blessing in disguise.

The maid Kevin appointed to take care of my meals throughout the day informed me he was in his office. I am not given the approval to leave the mansion without letting Kevin know in his presence. So, I made my way to his office soon after having my breakfast.

I knocked on the tall black door and was immediately asked to get inside. Kevin dismissed the few men that were inside his office.

I waited for them to leave and then informed him," I will be leaving now."

He appeared in front of me with two long strides. "When will you be back?" He asked raising his brows. I had fought so hard to earn his trust.. I was not willing to let myself destroy it by saying something silly at the end.

"S-soon" I stuttered. Is lying without stuttering even possible! At least not for me. He detailedly examined my frame, my face for a while and then suddenly engulfed me in his arms tightly. I could clearly listen to his heart beating as my ear hit his chest.

"I'm gonna miss you," He said in a hushed tone softly and then placed a soft kiss on my forehead. Pulling me to him by my nape, he brought my face closer to his. I had to stand on my toes.

"We never made love in here. Did we?" He asked while a sinister smile could be seen on his face.
"When I'll come back I'll bend you over that very table and fuck you senseless until your body gives up and your mind can remember nothing but my name" Tilting his head near my ear, he whispered sensually.

I nervously gulped hard. Hopefully, that day will never come. I will make sure of it.

"C-can I le-leave now?" I asked again having no idea why he was taking so long when he already gave me permission last night. Hugging me more tightly, he took the skin of my neck in his mouth and began sucking there roughly. I winced and squirmed clutching his shirt as that hard suction hurt my delicate neck.

"Now you can." He said looking proudly at his recent brutal work on my neck.
"Will see you soon!" He said lastly. A wave of uncertain tension ran down my spine as soon as he said that. I hesitantly nodded and stepped out quietly.

I quickly pulled up the cloth of my turtle neck top to hide that fresh stinging spot while moving downstairs. I turned towards the dining table when I heard the very familiar voice of Aaron calling my name. That means, he also returned back from Marseille with Kevin last night. I rushingly got myself there to bid goodbye to my favourite person in this whole mansion. It would have been certainly impossible for me to survive this place and the people without this little boy's company.

"Good morning! Pretty boy" I smiled standing near him.

"No, I am not pretty I am handsome" He huffed at me being angry. I found it hard to not laugh.

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