He Owns Me

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𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓


                : Third-person POV :

Italy ...

My father... He lives in Italy.

The newly gathered information was devouring Rosalia's mind. She got to know about a few of her father's life from Luca.

Her father now lives in Italy and works as a chemist like he used to do before. His business partners framed him with a false accusation of dealing illegal drugs along with medicines that's why he had to hide in Italy and was also forced to lose all connections with everyone. He didn't even know about his wife's death. But now he wants to get his daughters back.

Rose was disturbed whether should she trust all these or not. Whether she should give her father a chance or not.

She dialled her sister's number to talk about all these with her. After exchanging a few talks about each others wellbeing Rose informed Emilia about their father's whereabouts.

- Are you nuts Rose! Like now he wants to get back to us. Where was he when we were on the edge of begging? Where was he when his teen daughters were toiling without any shelter!    (Emilia)

- Maybe he had his own reasons. Should we not give him at least a chance to explain himself!

- Look, Rose, I can't be an angel like you and forgive around people. Finally, happiness has knocked on our door. I'm going to graduate from high school this year and you are married to someone influential like Kevin. We don't need him now.

- Don't you miss him? Don't you miss the days we spent together?

After getting another feverish reply from her sister, Rose was about to put her phone back in its place when it got snatched away from her hand.

Her nervous orbs met an impassive one.

"Who the hell were you talking about?" Impatiently Kevin asked while scrolling through her phone.

It was nothing unusual to Rose. She had gone through this infuriating process many times when Kevin would just go through her phone randomly. Rose knew protesting him would cause her nothing but to lose the only thing that is her way to connect with the outer world nowadays.

"My father" she answered meekly. Luckily, she was quick enough to delete all the texts with Luca after each time they chatted.

Rose expected Kevin to question her further but he walked inside the bathroom while undoing his shirt.

In a little while, the bathroom door swang opened revealing a bare-chested Kevin walking near the bed. Drops of water were running from his wet hair to his chiselled jawline. His body was indeed a work of art. His raw minty scent along with his tough demeanour made her gulp in disquiet.

For him, it was the most satisfying thing after a long tiring day. The sight of his beautiful Rose all to himself was such a nice turn on for him.

Sitting beside her on the bed, he started tracing his knuckles on her soft cheeks. He was about to crash his cold lips on her plump ones when she pushed his hard chest lightly with her shaky palms.

"Did you just push me, baby?" He cocked a brow at her audacity to stop him from touching what's his.

"I...  I have something to say" she asked knowing very well that it was the only time of the day when she had a chance to converse with him.

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