A Fucking Party

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                    : Rosalia's POV :

"No school !! I want to play with Rose" Aaron grumbled and stomped his foot on the floor. He was giving his nanny a hard time for the past 30 minutes who was trying to get him ready for kindergarten.

I was also trying my best to convince him but I guess every male of this family is just so stubborn. Ultimately Kate had to come to handle the situation.

"Baby, why are you bothering nanny? Go get ready" Kate tried to pick him up but he did not let her.

"Ok, But Rose has to come with me" Aaron demanded looking at me.

"No and Rose will not play with you anymore if you miss school," Kate said winking at me.

I gave him a look that clearly said 'please listen to your mama I can't do anything'. He finally agreed and let his nanny take him away from me.

"Rose I think we got your little admirer here" Kate smiled looking at me.

"I really love spending time with him" I also smiled thinking about Aaron's cute activities.

"So how things are going between you and Kevin?" Why she had to ask this. Does she not know how her brother is.

"I don't understand him. He doesn't care about my feelings." It was the bare minimum that I could tell her.

"Rose I know you are not used to our kind of life but please try to cope up. I know you are having a hard time adjusting here but give this marriage a chance. I don't know what to say but Kevin is insanely obsessed with you. You are a very sweet person. I'm sure you'll change his heart."

Does it matter to him if I'm giving this marriage a chance or not? And chance my foot the day I make sure Kristen and Emilia are safe I'll just vanish into thin air.

"Ya," that's the only word I could say.
"How things are between you and Eric ?"

" You know what Rose If dad were alive I had to marry some mafia leader to strengthen his allies whether I want it or not. But I'm thankful that Kevin has accepted me dating Eric. Eric is such a sweetheart. I feel lucky to have him in my life."

I went inside my room after having small chitchat with Kate. I understood that she was head over heels for Eric.

I felt terrible for myself but I felt even more terrible for her. I hope Eric has changed for good and loves her as much as she does.

One week had passed since the day Kevin hit me. No apologies were made as it was my fault to disrespect him.

According to him, he can be very patient and understanding if I don't disrespect or disobey.

I had made friends with Maria and Aaron's nanny. Maria is like my elder sister. Maria helps me with anything as long as it's not something against Kevin. Other maids do not open up to me. I've seen Kevin always talk to them rudely and in an authoritative tone. Maybe that's why they fear to open up to me.

Surprisingly Eric also lives here in the mansion. I don't know why he doesn't go to work. And always hassle the maids to treat him like some king. After that day he didn't try to talk to me not that I want to. I just want to ignore his existence.

I usually spend my days playing with Aaron and doing nothing. The maids treat me like some kind of angel from heaven and don't let me do a single house chore.

And I don't want to talk about the nights and mornings...

Kevin is insatiable and bipolar. He doesn't talk to me unless it's necessary. He comes home late fucks me and sleeps and leaves early in the morning after fucking me. The more I try to resist the more painful for me he makes it. My body is exhausted from having sex.

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