Hurts So Bad

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* Warning- Smut *

𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉, 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉
𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆.


"Don't tie them please!" I pleaded looking down as I didn't have the courage to look into his malicious eyes which were radiating nothing but lust, ownership and possessiveness. I feel nothing but a worthless piece of meat for only him to feast on.

"Hands" Kevin ordered in an alarming tone.

The mixed feeling of pain, humiliation and fear was shaking me to the core. He is not a person I can ever reason with. The last thing I wanted then was to anger him and end up getting hurt. I tried my best, more than once to comply. But a tiny part of me also did not want to carry the ugly scars submissively caused due to his sick pleasure. It is an unavoidable battle of the mind that I'm fighting with myself every single day.

"You never learn. Do you?" He rasped. With one swift move, he caught my waist and pulled me near him knocking sense into my delusional head that I was late. And that just gave his wicked mind a reason to punish me.

My body tensed when he grabbed both of my wrists and was tying them with his belt avoiding my squirms of pleading.

"Please don't!" Hopelessly I begged. These restrains make me feel much more defenseless than I already am. He seeks pleasure from seeing me struggling against them and it sickens me even more.

"I hate it when my whore of a wife talks back!" He gritted his words in anger. Pushing me on the bed, He attached the remaining of the belt with the bedpost above my head leaving me completely incapable and vulnerable beneath him.

"This is exactly how I love to see you... under my mercy" He growled.

It was nothing new. I had been suffering this for days which seems like an eternity. I looked at him with begging eyes which were clearly conveying why are you doing this to me. I strived to find mercy in his orbs but there wasn't any.

"Oh, slut don't you still get it! I love to fuck you when your round, milky ass has nice shades of purple." He said and flipped me over and placed me on my fours.

He slapped my butt hard and kept doing that mercilessly. The harder I tried to control my cries the more and more force he seemed to exert with each spank on my bare ass. Being stubborn might be stupid at this point, but I didn't want to feed him the satisfaction of my cries. At least it was something that was under my control.

He spread my legs apart and landed a hard spank directly on my exposed pussy this time. With an agonising screech, I fell on the bed arching my back. It pained so much that I could not hold that back anymore. Much contented with my misery, he raised me up and entered deep inside me. Giving me no time to adjust with his length, he began ramming with a demonic speed.

After some time, My legs gave out but he did not. Squishing my boobs occasionally, he continued his work turning me to him. I gasped due to his newly created dept. My body was crushing under his weight and my soul was crushing under his assertive dominance. I diverted my eyes from his illusional face but where ever I looked I could see me... only me writhing and being ruined under him.

There was a mirror on the ceiling now which Kevin had purposefully installed there to mock my poor condition and make me watch everything he does to me even though I don't want to witness it.

I closed my eyes waiting to lose my consciousness not wanting to bear through this unleashed beast. But that golden moment never came. He had total control over my body to make it respond to him according to his will.

My eyes shot open when he pulled his length out and immediately thumped it in with an inhuman vigor. He placed my legs on his shoulders hitting my most sensitive spots causing me to moan and pull my wrists against the restrains. It was bruising but I couldn't care less. He leaned down.. untying my hands, he sank his teeth on a stinging fresh bruise on my neck while pulling out sloppily.

He cleaned himself and put his clothes on. Grabbing his mobile from the nightstand he walked out of the room without even sparing a glance back at me for once.

My spent body was dispersed on the tangled bedsheets with his cum leaking down my thighs. It was not like before anymore. Now, he goes too rough on me avoiding the kisses, intertwining of fingers or any other kind of gentle gestures or words on the bed. I somehow got adopted to him cleaning me, taking care of me, comforting me after he was done. But there are no such things for me now. And It hurts. So bloody much. Makes me feel like some kind of a useless toy.

After a minute of relaxing my body and getting my breathing back to normal, I got up and walked inside the bathroom ignoring the aching sensations in between my legs. I latched the door and dared to confront myself after a long time standing in front of the mirror.

My lifeless gazes were drawn upon the new burning bruises on my reflection in the giant mirror. I suddenly felt weak on my legs and dropped on the floor hugging my knees and burying my face in between them. I was utterly unable to recognise myself like this.

There was no tiny ray of hope on which I can rely. His creative ideas of breaking me were draining the senses out of my disastrous soul.

He had thrown all of my make-up items so that I can not cover his marks on my body in front of others. He had dismissed all the maids including Maria who were at my service saying that I do not deserve to be treated good anymore. Not that it matters but it still hurts how he behaves. The pet names I used to mentally cringe on has been replaced by calling me dirty names. Even the maids are here treated with much more respect than me. One lie from Eric had broken everyone's facade and showed me the real face of Kevin. And for the rest of the day when he is not around, I really can't stop worrying about what will he do if I fail to act according to his liking.

It had come to an ugly fight between Kevin trying to shatter me into submission and me fighting against it with all my might. He won't stop until I submit my all to him willingly.

I have always accepted what my life has thrown at me. I never really had much options in my life though. But I am exhausted from living like an object. I only wanted to live my life peacefully on my own terms. And before he completely drains me out of my rational thinking, I'll have to get my freedom back. My eyes will always search for it until I get it. It might be hard but must not be impossible.

Fighting him was nothing but my foolishness, it gives him more pleasure and new reasons to break me, hurt me more. Resistance might not be in my favour but endurance is. It is the only strength I have against Kevin and I know exactly how to use it.

If it's a game of submission. I'll play it and win it. And this time... I won't make any mistake Mr Kevin Knight.



Author's note- I'm sorry for not having an update schedule. My classes are off-line now & fcuk I have to go there from Monday to Saturday 🙂


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