Stress Reliever

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                 : Rosalia's POV :

A light moan escaped my mouth as I woke up and turned over not wanting to see the handsome face of my devil husband. His hold on my waist got stronger as he pulled my back closer onto his chest. His lips were on the cavity of my neck giving wet sloppy kisses and his other hand was busy playing with my already hardened nipples under the sheet. I wrapped the sheet tightly around me as I felt he removed my clothes in my sleep.

I know he knows that I'm awake.

"Will you ever let me go? You got what you wanted from me." I asked in a sleepy voice. I'm tired. I'm tired both mentally and physically.

"What did you say?" He asked in a husky tone. I knew he was giving me a chance to change my question or better not to even ask it but I didn't want to hold back.

"You got what y- ahh"
I didn't get to finish my sentence as he bit the spot on my neck he was sucking previously and his grip on my breast got painfully tighter.

"Please let go I'm sorry-" I hissed in pain as he was biting that spot really hard. He licked that spot after imprinting his teeth marks there. I should have never said this. Why do I even try!

"You are my wife and this is your home for the rest of your life. The sooner you accept your fate the better for you" He gritted and continued the actions he was doing before.

"It's not fate it's you" I mumbled. My voice was barely audible to my own ears.

"I'm your fate and I don't want to hear any more of this nonsense you are spouting off. Understood?" He snarled.

"Yes," I replied quietly as he removed the sheet making my bare body visible all to his lusty eyes.

I stared out of the window while he kept on pleasuring himself using my body. Soon the darkness of the night eradicates as the warm rays of the sun pours through the window but it doesn't bring any hope to my hopeless life.

I hated .. hated the feeling of being used from which I ran whole my life but it looks like I have no escape from this now. Does he even care how I feel from inside!

Days after days are passing by but my life remains the same.


Having no work to do I decided to take a tour of the mansion that day as I never really did that. I was allowed to go anywhere inside the mansion except the basement area.I was strolling around the mansion but It was too big to cover at once.

So I began with the garden area which was like a dream come true for a plant lover like me. This garden was huge with different types of plants I could even think of. It was beautifully decorated with various flowers which were flourishing the surroundings with their beautiful smell. It really helped me to freshen up my mind.

I was super tired of roaming around the garden so decided to go back to our room as Kevin likes to call it which was on the second floor. When I was walking through the passage on the first floor I saw from a little far that Eric was giving something to a maid. He didn't seem to notice me and directly went inside his room after that.

When I moved towards the maid her face had lost all colours as if she had seen some ghost and she immediately hid some envelope kind of thing behind her back and hurriedly walked away from me. I couldn't understand why.

I went inside our bedroom and thought to dig some information about this Eric cause I was really worried about Kate. Eric always prefers to stay inside the mansion. His actions are also very shady. No matter how hard I try to ignore and not to get involved in this but my sixth sense says something is wrong.

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