Chapter 15

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Arthit's POV
It was really odd.

This past week apart from getting nightmares about that man, I'd also been waking up in my cat form and there's something really strange about it.

I jumped down from my bed and stood in front of the mirror, staring at the cat figure in it. I was squinting my eyes slightly to get a better view of myself.

The last time I'd checked I wasn't even taller than a 15cm ruler and now I was already exceeding 20cm, and that was a little too peculiar. I confronted Kongpob yesterday about this matter and he told me a bit about the growth curve of a kitten to a cat. But the problem is, for a normal kitten, they can reach their full size in at least 12 month and for nekos, it would take hundreds of years.

So, how could I even grow so much within a week's time?

Knock. Knock.

I was quick to transform back into my human form while heaving a sigh of relief as I'd locked my door before going to bed, if not, it would cause so much trouble if someone found out about me being a neko.

"Arthit, get ready now. You're already late for our test." I heard P'Knot from the other side of the door as I scrambled to my feet while taking a glance at the clock.

Oh, shoot! It's already 11am and we'd agreed to do this experiment at 12pm.

"Coming, P'. I'll be in the lab in 10 minutes." I grabbed my towel and swiftly freshened up before changing into a baby blue button-down and a pair of black trousers.

P'Knot was already in his white coat and gloves when I arrived and without delay, I got ready and P'Knot passed me a laboratory respirator mask.

"Put it on, we'll be using inhalation drugs today. I've already prepared a spacer with an inhaler for the neko and the drug was confirmed to not have effects on humans. But just to be safe, we'll be using the masks as well." I took the mask from him and put it on hesitantly as I saw Kongpob's limbs were already being tied up and he was lying on the table in a very vulnerable state.

"Are you alright?" I mind linked him and it took him a moment to reply to me.

"I'm fine, Arthit. Just be careful too. Knot did say it would affect nekos." He reminded me and I subtly nodded while making sure the mask was fastened securely.

"I'll go prepare the rest and you can write the report first." P'Knot said as he pulled out a case from the laboratory refrigerator and I saw him opening it, taking out an inhaler from various of them," We'll be using IDT01 today."

"Yes, P'." I jotted it down as I occasionally peeked on P'Knot as he inserted the mouthpiece in the specially designed spacer that would perfectly fit around Kongpob's face. It was around 12.30pm that we were finally done with the last preparation.

"It's a little late now, so let's get started." P'Knot said as he grabbed the spacer and inhaler, approaching Kongpob as the cat was trembling faintly.

"Time, 12.30pm. Drug used, IDT01. Subject, Blackberry." I wrote down the information and P'Knot's hand was clasping on Kongpob's nape as the cat struggled, shrieking mournfully. P'Knot pushed on the canister and the gas was eventually inhaled by Kongpob as he gradually stopped scuffling in his hold.

"All done, remove the mask after you clean up. I'll be reading through the report first." He said taking a seat by the table and I went back to the preparation station, trying to figure out how to sneak out the inhaler although I wasn't sure if there's still drugs in it.

"P'Knot, do we need to keep the inhaler?" I asked while eyeing him.

"You can dispose of it but take proper precautions." He said and I proceeded to pull out a container, placing the inhaler as I closed it and sealed it in an airtight biohazard bag.

"I'll go and throw out the trash." I informed him before leaving and again sneaked the inhaler out. But this time, it was too big and I'd have to quickly keep it back in my dorm before rushing back to the laboratory.

"I got you now, neko." I heard P'Knot snorting in enthusiasm as I stood outside the door. Without thinking twice, I barged into the lab, seeing P'Knot with a venomous sneer as he was staring at Kongpob screeching and thrashing dreadfully on the table. I dashed to them, closing the door behind me.

"Come here, Arthit. He's about to change and I know it." P'Knot was chuckling but it sounded really unpleasant to me and I couldn't even utter a word to him as I mind linked Kongpob.

"Hold on, Kongpob! Don't change, please!" And he wasn't answering me as his limbs were flailing even more vigorously.

"Don't, Kongpob!" I was really anxious as I saw his nails peeking out of his paws and they were scratching the table while his meowing was becoming more strained.

"Please no." I pleaded with him as his movement was minimized in a few moments before a soft and weak meow could be heard.

"Don't worry." I looked at him with hope after finally hearing from him and saw him nodded softly to me. And the next second he had fainted as he feebly laid on the table and P'Knot was furious.

"Fuck! I almost got it!" He seethed in rage as he hauled the folders down the desk, some even knocked onto my legs and feet. But I stood still, knowing not to voice and move at this very moment as he might be more mad. However, I was finally relieved and glad that Kongpob had fainted instead of transforming and exposing himself.

"Arghhh!" P'Knot screamed in frustration as he strode out of the lab, slamming the door aloud.

We've made it through...

For the first round.

I'm sorry for the really late update as it took me some time to pull myself together. I know there are still some confusions but I'll be explaining them in further chapters.
Thanks for reading and stay safe.

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