Chapter 12

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Arthit's POV
"I'm not talking to a naked man."

I looked at the man in front of me and tossed my lab coat to him as I struggled to get dressed myself. My body was aching so bad that even moving my arms was a strenuous task. He grinned sheepishly at me before wearing it but the coat was barely covering anything.

"Start talking." I was glaring at him while resisting myself from grimacing in pain as I sat on a chair and he stood behind the table, shielding his lower half.

"Umm, I'm sorry for what had happened... The drug was affecting me and I couldn't actually control myself anymore."

"I understood that." I sighed heavily as I had already expected that he wasn't able to compose himself in that situation," I've a question, Kongpob."

"What is it?" He was fidgeting nervously on the spot as he subconsciously bit on his lower lip.

"Why couldn't I have the strength to push you away? You'd told me that when I was turned into a neko, I'll be having greater strength and I would be able to shove you away when things happened out of your control again. But why do I feel like an outsider watching myself having s... making... love with you. I couldn't control any part of myself... Why? What happened?" Thinking about losing control over my own body was freaking me out and I don't want that to happen again.

"About that... you do remember what I'd said about my maternal grandmother being a vampire right?" He fiddles with his fingers as he eyes me carefully.

"Yes, what about that?"

"She's a pure blood vampire and is a member of the royal family. Only those that are in the royal family have the ability to hypnotize others and I didn't know that I'd inherited that power from her... That's the reason why you're not able to..."

"Why didn't you tell me that?!" My heartbeat quickened hearing his explanation and I was scowling at him.

"I didn't know I had that ability in me, Arthit. I'm sorry for doing everything to you and it wasn't my intention to hurt you." He stared at me worriedly and with his hurtful gaze, he continued," I swear, Arthit. I don't want to hurt you either. But the situation given wasn't giving me any chance to prevent any of this to happen. Please believe me..."

"I..." I couldn't utter a word as every one of his was only full of sincerity and I knew it wasn't fully his fault," Then what do I still not know?"

It's best that I knew about everything 'cause I don't want any more trouble in my life than now.

"About nekos?" He asked hesitantly.

"Just tell me, about nekos, about you, anything!" My voice was harsher and more stern than I intended.

"Nekos... in our world can get pregnant no matter what gender they are." He muttered under his breath and lowered his gaze. I was stunned for a moment as the air filled with silence.

What did he just say?

"That's it, I can't believe it! You're leaving right now and I'm done with all this bullshit!" After registering what he'd said, I was immensely furious.

Does that mean that I might get p-pregnant?!

I'd accepted too much of those so-called fate and this is going to end right here and right now. Becoming a neko is already over the limits and now I've had sex with the culprit who turned me into a neko, and I even had the possibility of getting pregnant.

This is all so ridiculous!

"But... But what if P'Knot finds out I'm gone?"

"I don't fucking care anymore, Kongpob. You being here is making my life like hell. I just couldn't anymore. Please... Just let me go." I was pleading with him as my mind was being muddled by too much information and... I don't want to get involved with any of these anymore.

"I'll go." He gave up after my persistent pleading and turned himself back into a black cat. I then carefully wrapped him with a cloth, trying to avoid stares as I sneaked to the backdoor of the institute. I looked around for a while before unwrapping the cloth.

"Go, Kongpob. Don't come back anymore." I mind-linked to him as I could sense his sorrowful aura," You don't belong here anyways, Kongpob."

He peered at me and let out a mournful meow, his eyes glazed with tears.

"I'm truly sorry."

He then stood up in my arms, rubbing his cheek on my shoulder while softly meowing.

"Kongpob, I..."

"Arthit, what are you doing with the neko outside the laboratory?" I was startled hearing that familiar deep tone of voice.

"P-P'Knot? I was... I was just bringing him for a walk, you know... it's kinda suffocating to stay in the lab for such a long time." I turned to the side and saw P'Knot getting out of the car as he unbuttoned the coat he's wearing.

"Arthit, I did tell you how dangerous a neko could be, so why did you even think of disobeying me?!" He seethed in rage as he forcefully snatched Kongpob away.

"No, P'. I didn't, I swear." I stammered when I perceived Kongpob grappled as P'Knot gripped on his neck too tightly, almost choking him.

"You're not going anywhere for this whole month and don't even think about visiting your mother." He stepped closer to me, grabbing my chin as he raised my face while giving me a death glare.

"But P', I didn't..."

"Shut it, Arthit. I'm not hearing any excuses from you and get back in this instant." His voice thundered menacingly and all I could do was to obey his every demand.

As always.

So, I've updated earlier this time to celebrate our P'Singto's birthday.
Happy birthday to our beloved P'Singto and may he be blessed with all the happiness in this world❤️❤️❤️

Happy birthday to our beloved P'Singto and may he be blessed with all the happiness in this world❤️❤️❤️

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I've also added the mpreg tag but I'm stll not sure if I would write any scene about it. Thanks for reading and stay safe.

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