Chapter 26

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Arthit's POV
"Arthit, we need you to put this on." I was fidgeting with my fingers nervously when P'Prem called out for me. I looked up and saw him passing me a bulletproof vest. I was kinda confused by it for a moment as I stared at him and the vest back and forth.

"Harm would be inevitable. I want to make sure you're safe so please put it on." I nodded to him as he helped me in putting on the vest. Luckily, it was a thin one and it wouldn't be too visible as I'd worn my shirt on the outside.

"This is a wireless audio. We'll be able to listen to whatever is happening around you and most importantly, you must listen to us when we tell you to. Don't be reckless, Arthit. The hostage is still in Knot's hands and it might harm him if you panicked and acted carelessly, making things out of our control." P'Prem gave me the wireless audio as he plugged it in one of my ears, hiding it with some strands of stray hair. He then connected the accessories and placed them in the inside pocket of my coat. I rode in the car silently with him as I tried to pay attention whenever he contacted his subordinate, listening to his commands occasionally as he gave me a simple briefing.

But I couldn't. My heart was racing wildly.

How could I when everything about Kongpob still remains unknown?

How is Kongpob right now?

Is he alright?

Is he... even alive?

My mind was muddled by doubts and questions as I became even more panicked every second. I shut my eyes tight and tried to take deep breaths.

He's alright.

He'll be fine.

"Remember Arthit, don't try to do anything you weren't told to." I opened my eyes and looked back at P'Prem as the car pulled over at a secluded area in a street.

"O-okay, I... I'll try." I said to him, trying to still my trembling hands as I grabbed my ID card from my pocket.

"You'll be fine, Arthit... He'll be fine too." I nodded and forced a smile at him.

"I'm sure of it." I said and wore the neck lanyard of my ID card around my neck.

"Get ready, guys. Arthit is going in now." P'Prem informed his teammates as I got off the car. They'd parked at a street away from the entrance and I took the time to calm myself before approaching the entrance.

"Arthit? You're here?" I grinned to the old man who's the security of the institute and his eyes bent into crescents. Khun Knot was actually kind enough to hire that poor old man after getting to know how his kids abandoned him he'd no money to support himself anymore.

"Yeah, I came back to grab some files. I needed them to discuss with one of my friends I'd made at the seminar." I told the old man as he nodded understandingly. He's one of the people in the institute that I knew and could trust.

But still, I couldn't reveal much or tell him anything.

Not when Kongpob's life is at risk.

"Oh, I bet it might be a really interesting seminar then. You go ahead, Arthit." I thanked him and swiped my ID card to be able to access the door. I knew the moment I swiped my ID card the system would've recorded my presence and I needed to be quick before Khun Knot could find out.

"I'm in." I mumbled to the audio after making sure I was the only one in the long corridor.

"Great. We'll try to get in in 5 minutes. Please stay put around your lab but hide, so that no one would spot your presence. We'll get there as fast as we can." P'Prem said to me and I hummed in reply. I walked down the surprisingly empty corridor and soon saw the door to the labratory Khun Knot and I shared.

This is it then...

3rd Person's POV
"Kongpob, Kongpob. Why wouldn't you just accept defeat and stop struggling?" Knot asked as he looked down on the man laying on the ground. In just a few days time, the neko was already malnourished after being ill-treated and locked up.

But he was adamant to escape.

"This is already the third time today that you've tried to escape." Knot said as he pulled the neko up. The baggy clothes around Kongpob made him look really vulnerable but the glint in his eyes said otherwise.

"You're never gonna succeed, Knot. Never!" He spat on Knot's face as the latter closed his eyes with a clenched jaw. He wiped the spit on his face and hurled the man back to the ground.

"It seems like you'll never learn your lesson." He walked to his phone, gaze still on Kongpob as his tone of voice lightened, "Then I've no choice but to use Arthit as a threat to you then."

"You wouldn't!" Kongpob yelled at him, his eyes reddened.

"I would and I will."

But Kongpob was right. Arthit will and will always hold a soft spot in Knot's heart and he would never harm him in any way his right mind wouldn't agree to.


"Stop!" Kongpob started struggling. His chained hands gripping on the metal leash around his neck as he tried all of his might to remove it. His elbows and knees were already bleeding from Knot's brutal behaviour but he couldn't get Arthit in trouble.

"I'm sorry, sir. But it looks like Mr Arthit had escaped."


"I'm sorry, sir. He'd escaped when he went to the bathroom. He even hired someone to disguise as himself. It was our fault for not having to notice it first thing."

"You useless pricks!" Knot yelled into the phone call, his temple throbbing as he glared at the neko that was still struggling.

"I don't care whatever way you use but I want him back here-"

"Sir, one of our subordinates had detected the record of Mr Arthit entering the institute 7 minutes ago."

"7 minutes ago?" Knot was feeling slightly puzzled by the information and was about to order Lex to send security teams to look through the building when the door to the lab burst opened.

"Freeze!" A group of armed men dashed into the room and the leading one ordered. He was startled by it before his mind started registering that it was the police.

"You're under arrest, Mr Knot. Stay put and don't try to move."

I'm not sure if I will be able to update next week as I've tests coming up and deadlines for my assignment. I'll try to, though. Thanks for reading and have a nice day❤️

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