Special Chapter: Still Not Okay

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I'd updated an epilogue and 3 special chapters, so please do check out the previous chapters if you'd missed out.

3rd Person's POV
"Kong, why isn't the signal working here?" Arthit was asking as he walked around the room, trying to connect to the signal. He's currently living with Kongpob in the Suthilucks' place. He was a little unsure when Kongpob suggested that they should live together in their family house since Arthit was still not familiar with Kongpob's family but he accepted it when Mrs Suthiluck persuaded him, saying that they could move out once they're settled in their realm.

"Oh... about that." Kongpob was sipping on his iced coffee, looking up from his book with a sheepish smile, "We don't have signals here."

And his words erupted a shriek from Arthit in disbelief, "What do you mean by not having signals?!!"

"We used different signals than the human realms and because the two realms are really far away, you can't connect to the signal equipped in the human realm." Kongpob explained, wishing Arthit would calm down a little but the latter got even panicked.

"Then how can I call P'Beam and P'Prem to tell them that I'd reached here safely. I'd promised to tell them once I arrived." He started pacing around the room, biting on his finger as he groaned.

"Maybe I can let my uncle help you with that? Or I can let the royal family in helping you contact Aim and convey your message to them?"

"Your uncle? You mean the KING?!!" Staring at Kongpob with wide eyes, Arthit can't believe what he'd heard from Kongpob.

"Y-yeah... my uncle, the king."

"Are you crazy? 'Cause I'm not that crazy to let a KING in helping me make a call to my friends through mind links." Arthit said, glaring at Kongpob as the latter stood up, approaching the fuming Neko.

"Then, do you want to travel back to the human realm?"




"I'm really sorry, Your Majesty, for troubling you." Arthit tried to smile as sincerely and apologetically as he could as his heart was pounding in fear.

'What if the king decided to throw him into the dungeon just because he was troubling him with his minor issues?'

"Don't be so uptight, Arthit. You're Kongpob's mate now so we're a family." The king tried to ease the nervous Neko that was sweating and trying to smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty." He simply bowed which the king chuckled at and shook his head.

"You really need to work hard, Kong. He can't always be so uptight when he's with us. The royal family is the Suthilucks relatives and well surely be seeing each other a lot."

"I know, uncle. I've been trying to help him loosen himself up a little but I guess he needed more time to get used to living our realm."

"I still can't believe you turned a human into a Neko, Kong. When I first got that news from Aim, your grandma was so mad that she wanted to disown you. But luckily Aim was able to talk to her before she take on her rash decision."

"Yeah." Kongpob smiled awkwardly, eyeing at his mate's flustered state. Although he's really close with his uncle, that doesn't mean he's comfortable discussing his mate or the bite or even his intimate relation with Arthit.

"Okay, you kids can go on now. I'd let someone send a message to Aim, he would be getting it latest by this afternoon."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Arthit followed Kongpob to their local market after they left the palace. He was feeling curious about everything there as he walked up to stalls, staring at their sold goods and Kongpob would always need to keep an eye on Arthit so that he'll not lose Arthit from his sight.

"Ooh, do Nekos eat human foods too?" He said excitedly, picking up a piece of soft milk bread loaf. The sweet and buttery scent instantly make him drool and he has almost snatched it as Kongpob handed him the loaf after paying up. Tearing a small piece of it, he shoved the delicious bread into his mouth and moaned at the taste.

"This is so good. It's like the ones that P'Knot would give to me if he visited my favourite bakery." He exclaimed unknowingly but his smile faltered when he registered what hed just said. The glint in his eyes dimmed and Kongpob swiftly pulled Arthit into his arms.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." He gently coaxed when he felt Arthit shiver in his embrace, hands clutching tightly onto his shirt.

"I'm scared, Kong. I miss my mom." He whispered against Kongpobs chest. Mentioning Knot had always reminded him of his past and also about his mom. He was still traumatized about the fact that his mother had left him and sometimes, just looking at Mrs Suthiluck with Kongpob would bring tears. Kongpob understood that very well, noticing the longing stares from Arthit when he looked at Mrs Suthiluck when she lovingly placed some veggies on his plate, pouring him some juice or even asking him how his day was.

"It's okay, Arthit. Everything's fine now." Arthit nodded his head but Kongpob could still feel the tears drenching his shirt, he even got curious stares from the people nearby which are mostly his neighbours since they went to the market near their residential area.

"I'm sorry." Arthit whispered after a while and Kongpob was puzzled slightly.

"Huh? What are you sorry for?"

"For embarrassing you. For crying in the streets. For being so weak."

"Hold up, Arthit. You're not wrong in any way, okay? And I'm not feeling embarrassed. It's okay to not feel okay sometimes. "Kongpob gently held his hand, caressing the back of Arthit's hand with his thumb as he comfort the latter.

"Okay." Arthit muttered almost inaudibly and Kongpob planted a comforting kiss on his forehead before leading him to the next few stalls that caught his attention.

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