{Sarah's Birthday}

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December 7 2016-2AM-Sarah's POV

The bad men hold me down as they engrave letters into my left thigh by my underwear line.

Does every eight year old get one of these?

If I cry, it will just make the scratches and scrapes on my face hurt more. I bite on the cloth that is in my mouth, hoping to see Mr. James in a little while for him to clean and bandage me up.

He started singing me a lullaby lately, it's in Russian, but I've begun to understand the language.

"Let her go, please!!!!" I hear Mr. James shout from down the hall.

They continue to say the same words they do before he goes out to obey them more than he can listen to himself. I wince as I hear his cries for help. He's so considerate and caring for me, even as he's going through such traumatic experiences. My father had only the best person to take care of him.

I wake up out of breath as I lie awake on Uncle James' bedroom floor. I slept here hoping that I would be comforted, I guess it doesn't help. Uncle James has been in Wakanda for a couple of weeks now, we've write letters sometimes.

I grab my blankets and walk my way back to my own room, away from Pa's. I curl up into a ball, hoping that it can push away the fear, hurt and regret that my dreams/nightmares make me feel.

A few tears make it out of my eyes and dripple down my chin, slipping down my body over all of my past scars. I cry as silently as I can, but I don't realize it's not quiet enough.

"Baby?" I hear from Pa's room

I cry a little more before trying to wipe away all of my tears, I look up from the floor to see Pa about to walking to my doorway with bed head and disheveled pajamas.

"Go back to bed." I wave off

"What's wrong?" he asks as he leans up against the doorway with his left arm above his head

"Just some dreams..and nightmares." I answer

"You wanna tell me about it?" he asks as he moves to cross his arms

"Just go back to bed, i'm fine." I wave off

"Are you sure?" he asks as he stands up

"Yeah, i'll be okay." I push

Sarah..stop, you need him.

"Oh well..Good night." he yawns before walking away

Once i'm sure that he's back in his room, I let my tears fall again. I scoot my legs out from underneath my blanket and move the bottom of Pa's shirt that i'm wearing, up my leg so I can see the letters HYDRA carved into my skin. More tears fall down my face before I scoot down in my blankets and try to go back to sleep.

"So..you're the one Strucker's been talking to us about. The one who's father thinks he owns America, not for long." the Wanda says as she circles me

I stare straight ahead

"How about a little what do they call it over there 'blast from the past'?" she asks with a smirk

Something red comes toward my head that I can't get out of the way from.

"How's my beautiful wife doing today?" Steve asks my Ma as he comes toward her pregnant body

"Happy that her husband is home, what's that?" she asks as she points to what he's holding behind his back

He brings it around his front, holding it to show Ma. He opens the bag to show Ma a white baby blanket with stripes of many colors, hand made.

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