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August 30 2015-Steve's Office-Steve's POV

I'm in the middle of some paperwork for work as well as Sarah's school, with her beginning to be busy I have to pick up the slack that she'll be leaving behind. It's not her fault, but the work has to get done at some point. Soon-interrupting my flow of work, the phone rings.

"Hello Steve Rogers, may I know who's calling?" I ask as I write out Sarah's known allergies

"Hi, this is Dr. Knowles' nurse. I wanted to call about something concerning we saw in your daughter's blood samples."

My attention flips completely to the phone call, the pen dropping from my hand as my hearing focuses all of everything into what the nurse is saying.

"Is she okay?" I worry

"She's more than okay, but we seemed to find something bonded to her blood cells that it seems were from genetics. Did you know about this?" she asks

"Oh, that's good to hear. What does it look like?"

"It's some sort of blue bubble that's shielding her cells, they seem malleable and like something could possibly penetrate them, but we were worried."

"When I was in my twenties, I got a procedure done and it was caused by the combination of a blue serum and vita rays. The serum is now, part of my genetics and it was passed down to her. She's okay, her normal doctor knows about it, but she's away right now." I try to explain as vague as possible

Though you would think they would understand who we are because I didn't like on at of the paperwork.

"Oh well then good, have a good day." the nurse says kindly

"You too." I nod to myself

I hang up and lean back in my seat, running my fingers through my hair in a relieved way.

"Who was that?" Sarah asks from the doorway

"The doctor, they saw the serum in your blood tests, but didn't know what it was. I thought they had bad news-I was expecting to find out that you had some sort of illness, cancer or a heart issue." I stress as I lean forward and set my head in my hands to cover my face

I feel a gentle hand on my the top of my shoulder, I turn to see it's Sarah giving me a sympathetic look.

"I'm not sick." she chuckles

"That's the best news i've heard all day." I sigh

"Take a break from work, you should eat something too."

"If Bucky heard you, he would make you sit yourself down and eat something."

"Yeah, but he and I aren't talking right now, when one of us goes to talk to the other it just ends up in an argument."

"You guys'll work it out." I nod

"Take a break."

"Eat some lunch." I push

"I'll make a compromise, you take a break, i'll eat lunch."

"Done." I nod as I get up from my chair

We walk out from my office and head to the kitchen where the caterer has hot plates that have large servings of food that smells amazing.

"Pick a table, i'll grab our plates." I nod to Sarah

She gives me a thumbs up before grabbing a table and resting her chin on her fists. When I get to the food layout, I pick out three plates and load up the food on two while I put about a third of that amount on the other plate.

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