Chapter 3: The First Step

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3rd Person POV


Phoenix woke up and stretched. Before he could get up, however, he felt a weight on him and glanced over to find that Ruby was cuddled up against him, using him like a pillow.

Phoenix's mind whirled. How the heck did she get over here? Also, how the Hell is she so freaking cute?!

He glanced over at Yang and was relieved to find that she was still asleep.

Twisting, Phoenix gently moved Ruby off him and got to his feet. Looking down, he grabbed Ruby's pillow and put it under her head.

Falling back in relief, Phoenix grabbed his backpack and walked outside, putting his jacket on and flipping up his hood in the process. As he exited the building, he heard some random girl singing, "It's morning; it's morning; it's morning; it's moooorning!"

To his slight surprise, he found a familiar Spartan already out there, strapping on her armor.

Grinning, Phoenix snuck up behind her and whispered in her ear, "Hello there."

Pyrrha yelped and jumped nearly a foot in the air while Phoenix roared with laughter. "I can't believe that still works!" he laughed.

Pyrrha glared at him before shaking her head. "You are ridiculous. But it is nice to know you haven't changed."

"Thank you so much for your kind words," Phoenix replied, rolling his eyes as he sat down next to her and began strapping on his armor. "You excited for initiation?"

"Somewhat," Pyrrha replied. "You?"

"I'm just hoping I don't get put on a team full of girls," Phoenix laughed. "I'd probably get killed within the first day."

Pyrrha grinned and stood up. "Well, I hope you get a good team. Are you going to come inside? Breakfast is open."

Phoenix pointed at her. "You...You understand me."

The two of them walked inside and found the rest of the students already eating.

Exchanging looks and shrugging, the two of them walked over to the buffet line and picked out some food.

After eating, Phoenix said his goodbyes and walked over to the locker rooms where Ruby and Yang were grabbing their gear.

"Hey there, Phoenix," Yang said, grinning evilly. "Sleep well~"

Phoenix blanched. "What do you—"

Yang laughed. "I put her there just to see how you'd react." Her eyes darkened. "Still, don't you get any ideas...."

Phoenix held up his hands. "Trust me, I nearly thought I was going to faint."

"What are you guys talking about?" Ruby asked innocently.

"Nothing!" Yang said hurriedly.

Phoenix groaned and banged his head against the locker.

"I don't know whether I should be glad or not that you're not the one who tried to hit on me in my sleep," Phoenix muttered.

"I still could~"


"Iknow!" a girl with orange hair and blue eyes exclaimed beside them. 


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